so talent much person

The Most Talented Person In The World

I discovered a genius online. Just look at all her accomplishments:

  • Jodie is a cross-functional 3D designer and blogger. She has special interests in open source 3D printing for R&D and has spent a lot of time at different projects across the globe to learn more about 3D printing. Most of what she has learned is from hands-on experience.

  • Jodie Chiffey is a blogger, and mom who loves nothing more than testing out the latest grills, gadgets, and outdoor cooking tech. As passionate about food as she is about family, Jodie loves spending time outdoors and is always the one found hovering over the grill at parties, camping trips, and local community events.

  • Jodie discovered her passion for grilling when she realized how much filler she was able to eliminate from her diet by grilling. So, she began to devote herself to learning more about grilling and mastering her grilling technique. Now, she spends most of her time outdoors grilling non-processed foods and enjoying fresh food on her plate.

  • Jodie Chiffey - Mellifluent Performer at Guitar Space - Jodie fell in love with the guitar at a young age, but has hit a lot of bumps in the road with her journey. She knows all of the frustrations that come with learning the instrument without any formal lessons. But, she pushed through all of those challenges and she’s now here to teach other people too. If you’re looking for advice that’ll stick with you for a lifetime, Jodie’s here to share everything she knows. (mattnote: also lol at “Mellifluent” — ESL spam disease slipping in there)

  • Jodie Chiffey loves the outdoors. If you aren’t sure where to find her, check the nearest dirt trail. She loves being outdoors and spends a good deal of time reviewing products like clothing, footwear, and other outdoor gear.

  • Jodie is a full-time blogger who reviews a lot of the products for us. She writes many of our backpacking gear reviews, outdoor skills advice, and information, and helps visitors find the best destinations for backpacking, camping, hiking, and a lot more.

  • If Jodie’s friends have a travel or outdoors question, they know who to ask and that’s why we featured on our website. Now you can get the same great advice her friends enjoy, so you know where to go and what gear to take with you.

  • Jodie Chiffey - Travel Lover at RV Pioneers- Jodie Chiffey enjoys the outdoors. She goes mountain biking and loves spending time in nature and what better way to get there than to go in an RV? She shares her information here on RV Pioneers.

  • Jodie knows quite a bit about beer and brewing it. From different types of hops and how they will affect your brew to her own opinion on various craft brews on the market. Jodie isn’t afraid to bring you her opinion on a new brew here at Beertannica, along with helping you decide if an ingredient or beer is the one for you. Her comprehensive guides will answer all your questions and more!

  • As a fellow business owner and business strategist, Jodie shares valuable insight into the strategies and tactics business owners can use to increase their growth.

  • Jodie’s run through a lot of shoes. After all, she’s a competitive racer! She understands all of the important features of an ideal running shoe and the biomechanics of the feet of different kinds of runners. You’ll be surprised to learn that Jodie doesn’t have a degree or diploma in athletic shoes; she’s just passionate about them and owns more than fifty pairs of running shoes herself. She’s dedicated her life to studying athletic shoes in detail and writing about them.

  • Jodie has been a certified personal trainer for several years now and has a passion for wellness, health, fitness like no other. She’s been educating herself on nutrition since she was in high school. His boyfriend is a professional herbalist and food healer, so she takes the health and wellness discussions into the homefront. She uses and tests health products, protein supplements personally and shares her insights on topics such as protein, diets, muscle recovery, muscle building, supplements, and naturally-sourced products.

  • Jodie is a nutrition and health expert who owns over 50 pairs of athletic shoes and puts them to good use. She is always looking for a new healthy recipe, loves juicing and tests new products at home, and reports back to us here at Alt Protein. Jodie’s articles and recipes can also be found on her successful blog called The Juice Chief.

  • Jodie Chiffey understands how frustrating it can be to sort your way through long pieces of boring content just to try to get a simple explanation of the digital topic you’re looking to learn about. That’s why she’s here to break down all of the complex topics, to help you learn, understand, and grow in your own digital life. She wants to be there to give you all of the information you need to know to make your own personal decisions in regards to the digital topics you’re bringing into your life!

  • Jodie Chiffey - Jodie is an avid traveler who loves camping and hiking. Why do you love mountain biking? I’ve had two separate passions for quite a long time - cycling and hiking. Whenever I was planning to spend some time outdoors, I had to decide which one to choose. It all made perfect sense when I discovered mountain biking, a beautiful blend of both of my favorite activities with the added value of adrenaline. What is your budget bike pick? If I were looking for a budget-friendly bike these days, I would undoubtedly go with GT Aggressor Expert. It’s super comfortable and lots of fun to ride. Nevertheless, Giant has some great entry-level mountain bikes these days too. What is your splurge bike pick? If I had an endless budget, I would probably buy a Santa Cruz 5010 - ideally in the exclusive X01 AXS RSV Carbon CC configuration. It’s one of the best bicycles I have had the chance to ride so far. What’s your favorite trail that you’ve ridden? Last summer, I enjoyed some tremendous single trails in the Austrian Alps around Nassfeld. Short but spicy Yannick Trail was probably my favorite. It was pretty demanding, and the views were truly priceless.

  • Jodie Chiffey - Jodie Chiffey spends a lot of time helping people figure out how to get the perfect yard. With so many variants from climate, soil type, to the amount of rainfall, she researches and helps Turf and Till readers choose the best products for their needs. Why are you giving advice on Turf and Till? After spending three and a half years transforming my yard from a generic underestimated wasteland into the green haven of my dreams, I have felt two contradictory emotions: relief and sadness. I have realized that I will miss all the research, consideration, and hard work and started looking for new ways to approach this topic and make it a permanent part of my life. That was when I started helping others to fulfill their landscape-related dreams too. Since then, I have worked on numerous exciting projects and gained valuable experience. I see writing for Turf and Till as a natural continuation of my work in this field. Moreover, it is also an excellent opportunity to give back to the online community that has taught me a lot in my beginnings. What is your favorite part of landscaping? My favorite part is turning a blueprint into a reality. I am a huge overthinker, so planning is the most exciting yet also the most demanding and frustrating part of every project for me. When I am finally satisfied with the plan and can watch it turn into a real landscape, someone’s garden, or yard, it is the most gratifying moment I know. If you had to give one piece of advice to someone fixing up their yard, what would it be? Don’t be afraid to think big. There is always space for downgrades and compromises later, but don’t settle with any of it before you even start. If I earned a dollar for each “impossible” idea I have seen turning into a reality, I would be very rich by now.

web spam bullshit

All of those sites are labeled as “A Venture 4th Media Company” which has such wondrous important content all run by the same “writer” on:

or is it “A Center Keel Media Company?” Either way, remember to take your amazon affiliate link horse supplements and buy your amazon affiliate link best snake traps of 2022 from a purely AI generated photoshop author image from your marketing satchel providing such important online content as and and and and more auto-generated link farm low value crap clogging up the global search engine brain for affiliate commissions.

We specialize in developing and transacting digital media assets, providing the best possible visitor experience in every market vertical we enter. Our portfolio is diverse and balanced across multiple established and high growth market niches. We take a circumspect approach to building web assets, focused on the long-term value of acquiring and generating cash flow positive properties, uniquely positioned to capitalize on the maturation of online commerce.”

pardon me while i vom

Specialties: Search Engine Optimization, eCommerce, Content Marketing, and Internet Marketing

of course it’s just a huge affiliate link bot farm network. There are a dozen sites with “Jodie Chiffey” as primary author each with dozens of pages about “The Top 10 X For Y!” each with low effort summaries and affiliate links everywhere polluting tons of search results.

also, these “media companies” are two examples out of hundreds or thousands operating to manipulate global search results at scale for low-effort-low-return pennies-per-click ad or affiliate revenue. We’re going to need cryptographically authenticated proof-of-utility to be indexed by search engines fairly soon (or maybe not? who cares? google is happy to pollute the world with search garbage because more garbage means more ads means more google revenue and google is nothing without its $70 billion per year stock buyback program).

Also if you haven’t searched for tech help over the past couple years, there are hundreds of fake “tech blog” sites doing the same thing: a site appearing as if it’s “a personal blog,” but having thousands of “helpful” pages in 300 different topic areas half scraped from github issues and half auto-generated. Also, by pure coincidence I’m sure, each page has 50 google ads or it bounces direct to spyware install sites when you navigate away. Each one of those sites is an “expert” in 100 different projects, platforms, programming languages, and strategies, yet they all are written from a first person “it’s just my blog lol!” point of view.

Curiously, each of these sites has the exact same layout, looks driven from the same CMS, has the same headers and footers, has the same navigation everywhere, has the same vapid FAQs (“Mountain Biking Tips: WEAR A HELMET!!”), all copied across thousands of sites all ranking in the top results for common queries to every day questions…

of course, this garbage is also flooding youtube as well with new emotionless and storyless and zero-personality autogenerated near-human voices all over the place:

people talk a lot about “dead internet theory” and how everything is becoming bots and scams and advertising bait, but those aren’t automatic outcomes. The “dead internet” is a process of direct information platform exploitation by manipulative people operating on unchecked-and-unauthenticated platforms drawn to running scams due to their life circumstances (we’re ignoring the other branch of politically controlled “information warfare” scams for now). Bot/scam/advertising/affiliate manipulation is born from usually living in low income societies where the most logical upward trajectory is just exploiting and manipulating high income people and societies who aren’t their own people (much like how a good way to stop spyware is changing your windows locale to russia because russian spyware firms don’t attack their own). Who cares if you make a million fake websites and destroy the information coherency of the planet if it earns you a passive $3 per day?

The only future of the internet is, sadly, proof-of-person and proof-of-residence on every public network interaction. There’s no going back to “high trust anonymous internet” when half the world is willing to exploit the other half. We end up with real time global access from “low trust low income max exploitation because who is going to stop uswankers to “high trust high income low questioning” societies and everything falls apart.

the net of a million million lies is upon us and only you can prevent information fires.

Welcome to the future of the entire Internet. Jodie the full time 3d-printing expert, grill master, expert guitarist, marketing wonder, brewqueen, personal trainer, avid camper, certified nutritionist, professional hiker, marathon runner, constant traveler, yard work enthusiast, mountain biker, rv driver, sportshoe expert, and mommy blogger welcomes you too.