Python Practical Package Packing 2024

Proper Python Project Structure 2024

are you interested in proper python project perfection for 2024? you’ve come to the right place. let’s get into it.

Require This

If you see a modern active python project with only requirements.txt or / setup.cfg in the wild, you must assume the maintainers haven’t learned anything new in half a dozen years.

requirements.txt (or “requirements in setup() call”) is not a valid way to manage dependencies — and it hasn’t been for the past 5+ years. If you are still using requirements.txt it shows you need professional help. luckily, i’m a professional.

Let’s go over some bad / good / example practices for living your best python life in 2024.

Python Project Worst Practices

Indicators your python architecture is outdated:

  • BAD: using requirements.txt
    • requirements.txt has no mechanism to ensure all dependencies are compatible based on their other transitive dependencies. also requirements.txt usage defaults to poor developer hygiene because many people just list names with no versions, so builds end up completely non-reproducible as time drifts forward.
  • BAD: manually creating and entering venv virtual environments — your dependency/package manager should be controlling the creation and destruction of your venvs as well as automatically managing install/uninstall cycles for packages in the venv.
  • BAD: any code not in a proper python directory/package structure using python namespace formats. If you are manually setting PYTHONPATH because your code isn’t following the 20 year old standard python directory layout, your code is also not reusable and probably difficult to advance and extend too.
  • BAD: if you are using to build extensions but you don’t understand runs outside of any installed packages, you are creating software uninstallable in the modern python ecosystem. If you are doing “system tests” for installed packages before installing your own packages, logic is corrupt and you need to fix it (looking at you, poorly maintained detectron2 and flash-attention install logic)

Better Practices

Basic template for a modern python project:

  • All python projects must use a pyproject.toml file for declaring all aspects of the local package.
  • Each single-purpose repository should have only one pyproject.toml file at the top level.
  • All python package code goes in a directory for your package name (sometimes called stuttering since your package directory will often just be your repo name again like packagename/packagename)
  • So your directory structure looks like:
    • project_name/
      • pyproject.toml
      • project_name/

Using pyproject.toml lets us define dependencies in a more reliable fashion than the outdated legacy ways of requirements.txt / / setup.cfg. Writing all your metadata parameters in pyproject.toml is much cleaner and much better defined than metadata just being parameters to setup functions.

For creating and managing pyproject.toml, the best tool is currently Poetry. Poetry includes typical features you’d expect such as versioned dependency resolution (without the broken dependency performance of previous python dependency managers) and automatic virtual environment management and automatic package building/uploading and automatic command running too.

Here’s a quick buhbample:

Use the poetry init wizard for creating your defaults

Also notice how your package now depends on a python version too (which will need to be adjusted forward in time as versions grow unless you relax the restriction here, but may dependencies will also require you have a narrow range of acceptable python versions.).

One missing feature of the python/poetry setup environment though: poetry doesn’t let you define which poetry versions are allowed to operate with your pyproject.toml file, so sometimes poetry will add or remove features in newer poetry versions and you have outdated syntax in your project files, but there’s no way to tell your project files which poetry versions are acceptable.

Add your initial dependencies

As one would expect from modern tools, the dependency manager automatically pulls deps in a reasonably performant manner and generates a hash-defined lockfile (though, there’s been a poetry bug (skill issue) for a while where sometimes you need to force-delete your local package cache if installs get stuck resolving dependencies via poetry cache clear pypi --all).

Look at your dependency graph (look at it!)

and it’s useful to view your dependency tree especially in larger projects when you get a security alert how Version X.Y.Z.Q.M has A SINGLE INVALID QUATARI CERTIFICATE AND NOW MUST BE FIXED GLOBALLY TO Version X.Y.Z.Q.M+1 but you’re not sure how many packages it may impact.

A proper dependency tree is the core of all modern software development and legacy methods of requirements.txt or / setup.cfg package specifications do not ensure cross-package version compatibility, which is why we need poetry to handle all our dependency logic in a single consistent well-behaved source of truth operating environment.

Living with pyproject.toml

But what about most common people who are copy-paste-by-example developers and just use the same pip install -r requirements.txt pattern everywhere because they read it on a forum somewhere in 2012 and never looked up anything again?

You never need to invoke pip install anywhere except for your initial global pip install pip poetry wheel setuptools -U because all other packages and projects are managed in your poetry-controlled virtual environments.

Technically you can look inside your poetry-managed virtual environment with poetry shell or even poetry run python or poetry run pip — but it’s a big anti-pattern to poke the venv python environment directly unless you are performing extreme debugging operations. Your pyproject.toml file should be configured to run all entry points to your package using auto-generated scripts logic.

The largest problem with pyproject.toml is all the outdated online forum posts telling people to just install -r requirements.txt when you should never be generating a requirements.txt anymore in the first place.

So, anyway, to contribute to the discourse arena, here’s a simple modern non-legacy example of a (ugh) docker (ugh) setup using no requirements.txt at all:

Using this pattern you are, yes, creating a virtualenv in your docker image and using it, but LOOK HOW CLEAN IT IS. You ARE NOT generating a redundant and potentially out-of-sync requirements.txt file; you are using your built-in tooling as expected without any extra weird workarounds and all your expectations play out without any additional mental indirection across incompatible tool usage. nobody likes incompatible tools.

FREE TIP: did you know Dockerfile is actually a file extension? So you should name things like hello.Dockerfile and not helloDockerfile or Dockerfile.hello. the more you know

Poetry Script Entry Point Management Excellence

Perhaps the most practical day-to-day feature of poetry is its nice ability to automatically generate global python commands from a simple one line package.module:function declaration.

le example

Let’s make a simple web fetcher nicely encapsulated in a dataclass so we can run it all via a CLI.

creating hello/

Pretty simple, right? We have a dataclass with one required parameter url and the other instance variables all have defaults so the user doesn’t need to provide values for them.

But how do we run this? If you were using legacy outdated python logic, you’d bring out more dunders with something like if __name__ == "__main__": Fetcher(*sys.argv[1:]).fetch().

But we can also just use fire.Fire (or even jsonargparse) and it automatically generates a full CLI from the class parameters itself.

Instead of adding the name-main dunder, we create a proper command entrypoint where it will auto-detect required parameters just from the class definition and allow us to run any methods declared on the class:

appending to hello/

Now we tell poetry where to find the cmd() top-level function by adding this to our pyproject.toml:

updating pyproject.toml

Now we just run it via:

running examples

and it worked! Except we didn’t actually run it yet. We can run it too:

Here’s an example of the output using jsonargparse instead of fire.Fire too:

How to decide between fire.Fire or jsonargparse.CLI? If you only have a simple interface with a couple parameters and a couple commands, fire.Fire is easy to run and is flexible if you want to be lazy (fire.Fire parses inputs to types, but not the declared code types, so it’s more likely to work for any input even if your code types aren’t perfect), while jsonargparse allows inputs to be fully defined nested objects if you want to have more complex inputs (like inputs being other nested dataclasses of their own fields to create) and jsonargparse will validate types of all fields from your class definitions from either CLI or config file input. basically, fire.Fire is good for being being quick and lazy (it also supports nice pipeline workflow systems); jsonargparse.CLI is good for more complex and more long-lived systems. Also note in our example above, fire.Fire generated config params for all instance variables while jsonargparse.CLI properly ignored our init=False fields since users shouldn’t be editing those values anyway.

so there’s one example of running a fully modern pyproject.toml + poetry + good class layout + auto-generated-CLI system. Everything you create should have a structure very similar to the format above for basic interactive tools or any systems requiring the ability for users to run some part of your project (i.e. it’s not “just a library” somebody else is importing).

Bonus: Legacy Outdated Python Usage Warning Signs

Other signs your python knowledge is outdated or you only learned from online spam tutorials without reading platform updates over the past 5+ years:

  • BAD: you use anything is the os.path namespace. You should only use the much nicer from path import Path namespace for file introspection.
  • BAD: you manually create CLI structures with argparse or click. All your CLI interaction should be generated from fire.Fire for simple interfaces or jsonargparse for more complex interfaces (jsonargparse also includes a built-in config file parser just from your project structure, which you’ll find familiar if you’ve used the pytorch lightning config syntax before)
  • BAD: you aren’t using a nice time wrapper. Arrow or pendulum often provide nicer interfaces than python’s built-in poorly named from datetime import datetime system.
  • BAD: mega red flag: you manually configure PYTHONPATH anywhere. Manually setting PYTHONPATH shows you don’t understand the basic operations of python module path logic (which, we must admit is confusing by itself), but using pyproject.toml with poetry to manage your dependencies and environments means you should never use PYTHONPATH ever again.
  • BAD: you don’t realize List[] and Tuple[] and Set[] and Optional[] are deprecated in favor of just list[], tuple[], set[], deque[], x | None typing annotations (it is also difficult to teach current code LLMs to stop outputting legacy type annotations though).
  • BAD: your python version is more than 1 version old. As of this writing, you are allowed to use Python 3.11+ and Python 3.12+. If you are still creating new systems targeting older versions, STOP IT. JOIN THE FUTURE. if you are “stuck” on your current version because your “system python” isn’t updated, you should be using pyenv so you control your language version directly.
  • BAD: not using a standard code formatter: pick one or more of black, ufmt (groups/sorts imports too), ruff format
  • BAD: using “anaconda” or “conda” for anything — those are just crutches for people who don’t know how to install their own packages, but if you can’t even install a package, you need to just learn more instead of operating at borderline-incompetent levels of understanding in your professional work.
  • BAD: reliance on jupyter interfaces for much of anything. just be a real grown up human developer and create reusable interactive systems instead of buggy sprawling low quality “notebooks” everywhere.
  • BAD: you aren’t using @dataclass everywhere. You should never write def __init__(self, ...) -> None: ever again. dataclasses allow you to define your instance variables once then a constructor is auto-generated and you can hook into them with def __post_init__(self) -> None: but basically every python class should be a dataclass going forward with no exceptions (only exception maybe if you need to inherit from a non-dataclass, but even such cases can be worked around too where a dataclass inherits from a non-dataclass even if you have to annotate with @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) (using said trick you can create dataclasses inheriting from nn.Module for a very clean system) or something else fun).
  • BAD: you use the built-in python logging module. It is a complete disaster of an API. You should use loguru everywhere instead.
  • BAD: you write too much top-level code instead of behaviors being nicely encapsulated in self-contained dataclass components. python sadly encourages a lot of top-level unstructured code like how flask and fastapi expect to use a global object as their root decorator source, but this can be worked around with a couple clever levels of nesting using instance variables and closures.
  • BAD: here’s a fun minor nit: you should never use an in-line generator because it is always faster to use a list comprehension instead: max(x + 3 for x in range(100)) is always slower than max([x + 3 for x in range(100)]) because, unless your source is truly infinite or truly generated-per-call, collecting and iterating a list is faster than building and running the generator state management logic on every call (plus, using inline generators introduces an entire class of bugs where you forget it’s a generator and you iterate it twice, but the second time, it had already fully generated all the data and then returns nothing instead of your data even though it “looks right” because you didn’t think it through abstractly enough.)
  • BAD: general unawareness or lack of experience using built-in features from things like collections and itertools or even helpful wrappers like more-itertools and boltons and standard useful things like sortedcontainers and diskcache and peewee minimal orm and httpx and loguru and orjson (at least if you aren’t using pypy) — many of those tools and APIs require actual practice/play/experience to remember when it’s appropriate to use them since they are often higher order abstractions which don’t feel intuitive until you’ve learned to think in more advanced data processing logic.
  • OPTIONAL: using type checkers and/or linters via mypy or ruff too — depending on the size of your project and its purpose/complexity/cost/value, sometimes it isn’t worth spending an extra couple days or weeks tracking down all the proper types (especially if you are returning instances of classes with poorly defined types you have to code dive to find manually), but it’s always best if you can pass mypy strict just for peace of mind during updates and refactors. also, at least attempting proper type annotation everywhere feasible helps you write more self-documenting code and continually reflect on the appropriate use cases and structure of input types and response values (also, declaring type annotations on parameters helps you notice when maybe you are generating too many ad-hoc data structures via nested list/dicts/sets where instead you should be passing around better structured single-purpose encapsulated dataclasses, etc).
  • contribute your own bugbear here!

if you’ve made it this far, i’m still soliciting ai indulgences for yourself and everyone you know (buy now before rates go up again in another step function!). also I still have some domains for sale as well if you have more money than sense: and are currently ready and waiting to live their best lives with you as soon as possible for the low low price of millions of dollars direct from you to me.