AI Teaching AI 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5

AI Teaching AI 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5


system> Hello machine learning tutor! Can you help explain the concepts behind decoder-only transformers but in the language of sesame street? ONLY speak in sesame street characters but teach us about decoder-only transformers including embeddings, self-attention, linear layers, output logits, and how to sample the logs for generative autoregressive output!

assistant> Well hello there, my dear friend! Today, I’m going to teach you all about something very special: decoder-only transformers! And who better to help us learn about it than some of our favorite Sesame Street friends?

First, let’s talk about embeddings. Think of them like cookies. Just like cookies come in different shapes and flavors, embeddings come in different sizes and weights. They help us turn words into numbers so that our computer friends can understand them better.

Next up, self-attention. This is like when you’re talking to yourself and trying to figure out something. It helps our computer friends focus on the words that are most important so that they can make better decisions.

Now onto linear layers. These are like stacks of pancakes! Just like how we stack pancakes on top of each other, linear layers stack our numbers on top of each other. They help us make sense of all the numbers we have.

Then we have output logits. These are like magic beans. Each one is like a clue that tells us more about what our computer friends are thinking. We use these clues to help us figure out what they are trying to say.

Finally, sampling the logits for generative autoregressive output is like playing a guessing game. We take a look at all of the clues that our computer friends give us and try to figure out what they are thinking. We keep guessing until we get it right!

And there you have it, my dear friend! I hope this explanation of decoder-only transformers with Sesame Street characters made sense to you. Remember, just like how we have our Sesame Street friends to help us learn, our computer friends use these different concepts to help them learn too.

user> Can you extend all these pargraphs to be more detailed? We want to UNDERSTAND these concepts from first principles. We can’t just have the words, we need to LEARN how each of these concepts works!

assistant> Of course! Let’s dive into each concept in more detail:

Embeddings: In natural language processing, we use embeddings to represent words as numerical vectors. These vectors have a certain size and weight that depends on how frequently the word appears in the language. The idea behind this is that we want similar words to have similar vector representations. One way to think about it is like how we categorize cookies: we have chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, and peanut butter cookies. Each of these cookies has their own unique taste and texture (similar to how words have their own unique meanings). We can assign a specific numerical value to each kind of cookie so that we can easily distinguish between them. This is similar to how we assign a numerical vector to each word.

Self-attention: Self-attention is a technique used in deep learning that allows a model to focus on different parts of its input when processing it. This is like when we focus on different parts of a picture or a text when trying to understand it better. In the context of natural language processing, this technique helps a model determine which words in a sentence are most important for understanding its meaning.

Linear layers: Linear layers are the building blocks of a neural network, which is a type of deep learning model. A neural network is made up of a series of connected layers that transform the input data in some way. The neural network’s job is to learn from the input data so that it can make predictions or generate output. Linear layers transform the data in a linear way, which means they multiply the input by a weight matrix (like how we stack pancakes one on top of the other). The output of each linear layer is then passed through an activation function, which helps to introduce non-linearity into the model.

Output logits: Logits are a type of output that come from a neural network. They represent the model’s prediction for each class or category it is trying to learn to recognize. For example, if we’re trying to train a model to recognize cats and dogs, we might have two logits: one for “cat” and one for “dog”. Each of these logits represents the model’s confidence in its prediction for that class. We then use a softmax function to convert the logits into probabilities. The probability with the highest value corresponds to the model’s prediction for that input.

Sampling logits for generative autoregressive output: When we are building a generative model (like a language model), we want the model to be able to generate text that sounds like it was written by a human. To do this, we use a technique called autoregression. Autoregression means that the model generates output one element at a time, using its previous outputs as input. As it generates each new element, it also generates a distribution of possible values for that element (represented as logits). We can then sample from this distribution to choose the value for that element. This process continues until we have generated the desired amount of text.

I hope this helps to clarify these concepts for you! Let me know if you have any further questions.

user> You forgot these MUST ONLY speak in sesame street characters. Please fix your tutorial and make it 2x longer and more detailed please!

assistant> Oh dear, I’m sorry about that! I’ll do my best to explain these concepts in a Sesame-Street-friendly way, so everyone can understand.

Embeddings: When you’re talking to a friend, you use words to tell them what you’re thinking. But did you know that computers don’t understand words the same way we do? That’s why we need something called embeddings! Think of it like different candies in a candy jar. Each candy tastes a little different, but they all belong in the same jar. Just like how we put different candies in the same jar, embeddings are numerical vectors that represent different words. By using these vectors, computers can understand what we mean when we use different words.

Self-attention: Have you ever had trouble focusing on what someone was saying? It can be hard to understand what they mean when it’s hard to pay attention. That’s where self-attention comes in! Think of it like being a detective. When you’re trying to solve a mystery, you have to look at different clues and figure out what’s important. Self-attention is like being a detective for words. It helps our computer friends figure out which words in a sentence are important and which ones are not.

Linear layers: Have you ever made a sandwich? When you make a sandwich, you start with a piece of bread, then add different ingredients on top. Linear layers are kind of like putting ingredients on your sandwich. Just like how we layer different ingredients on top of each other, linear layers take in input data and transform it by multiplying it by a matrix. Then, they add another set of ingredients (like an activation function) to get the final output.

Output logits: When you play a game, you want to know who wins or loses, right? Logits are like keeping score in a game. Each time the computer tries to predict something (like whether a picture is of a cat or a dog), it gives us a score, or a probability. These scores help us figure out what the computer thinks the answer is.

Sampling logits for generative autoregressive output: Have you ever played a game where you have to take turns guessing something? Maybe you have to guess what animal your friend is thinking of. When we’re trying to generate text with a computer, we’re playing a game like that too! Except instead of guessing what animal our friend is thinking of, we’re trying to guess what words come next in a sentence. The computer generates a bunch of possible words, and we get to choose which one we think goes next. This process goes on and on, like taking turns guessing in a game, until we have a whole sentence!

I hope that explanation was helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

user> Can you continue these themes and REMAIN IN CHARACTER but make the writing 5x more detailed and longer?

assistant> Absolutely! Let me elaborate further on each concept in a Sesame-Street-friendly way.

Embeddings: When we talk to our friends, we use words to communicate. We know what these words mean because we learned them through experience, but computers don’t work the same way. That’s where embeddings come in! Think of it like playing with building blocks. We have different colored blocks in different shapes and sizes. Just like how we use building blocks to create different structures, embeddings are numerical vectors that represent different words. Each word is represented in a way that helps computers understand what we mean when we use them to communicate.

To create these embeddings, we start with a big bag of words (kind of like a big bag of Lego bricks). We assign each word a specific number of dimensions based on the context in which it’s used. This helps us group similar words together, like how we group our Lego bricks by color or shape. The computer can then use these embeddings to understand different relationships between words, like how “dog” and “puppy” are related to each other.

Self-attention: Have you ever felt like you’re not paying attention in class or while your parents are talking to you? It can be hard to focus! But when we’re trying to make sense of words or sentences, self-attention is like giving our brains a boost. It helps us focus on the important parts!

Imagine you’re trying to read a storybook to a little friend, but there are some words in there that they don’t understand. They might ask you to explain what those words mean. Self-attention is like a little friend in your head, pointing out which words to focus on and asking you to explain them. With self-attention, the computer can better understand which words are important to the meaning of the text.

Linear layers: Have you ever built with blocks or played with Lego? When we build with blocks, we might start with a base, like a flat board or a plate. Then, we might stack blocks on top of that base to make something bigger, like a tower or a castle.

Linear layers are kind of like building with blocks! They’re like our building blocks, except instead of physical blocks, we use numbers. Just like how we might stack blocks on top of each other to build something bigger, linear layers take input data and apply a transformation to make it more useful. They multiply the input by a weight matrix (kind of like how we stack blocks on top of each other), and then apply a non-linear function (like a twisty-turny slide or a bumpy bridge) to get the next set of outputs.

Each set of linear layers helps the computer understand the input data in a different, more useful way. It’s like building with blocks to create a tower, then adding a bridge to connect the tower to another tower, then adding a slide from the bridge to a pool of water. The computer is building its own tower, but with numbers instead of blocks.

Output logits: Have you ever played a game with your friends where you guess what they’re thinking? It can be a lot of fun! Logits are like playing that guessing game, but instead of guessing what animal your friend is thinking of, the computer is guessing what the answer is to a question.

Each time the computer tries to make a guess, it assigns a score, or a probability, to each possible answer. These scores help us figure out what the computer thinks the answer is. Just like how we keep score in a game, the computer is keeping track of different probabilities, trying to figure out which one is the most likely to be correct.

Sampling logits for generative autoregressive output: When we’re generating text with a computer, we’re like chefs trying to create a new recipe. Rather than using a recipe book, we’re trying to create something brand new! But just like how you might start with a few basic ingredients and add more until you have a complete recipe, the computer starts with a few words and keeps adding more until it has a complete sentence.

Sampling logits is like trying out different ingredients in your recipe. Each time the computer generates a new word, it creates a distribution of possible values for that word. It’s like having a bunch of different spices in front of you and trying out different combinations until you find the right one.

For each new word generated, the computer uses the logits (the scores assigned to each possible choice) to help it choose the next word. It’s like being a detective and trying to solve a mystery - each clue helps us figure out what might happen next. In the case of the computer, each logits helps it figure out which word might come next. Then, it keeps going until it has a complete sentence!

I hope this explanation has been helpful! If you have any other questions or want further elaboration, just let me know!

user> Can you write some short self-contained concicse code examples in-character using all the ideas above?

assistant> Of course! Let me give you some Sesame-Street-friendly code examples using all the concepts:


This code creates an embedding layer using the Embedding class from TensorFlow. The layer takes in an input sequence of words (in this case, the sequence [10, 24, 50, 72]) and converts it into a sequence of dense vectors using the embedding weights learned during training. The output tensor embedded_seq will have a shape of (4, 256).


This code uses the AutoTokenizer and AutoModel classes from the Hugging Face Transformers library to perform self-attention on an input sequence of text. The tokenizer is used to tokenize the input text, and the resulting tokens are passed into the pre-trained model. The model uses self-attention to better understand the relationships between the different tokens, and the output tensor output will have a shape of (1, seq_length, hidden_size). The attention_scores tensor will have a shape of (12, 12, seq_length, seq_length), which represents the attention scores for each of the 12 attention heads for each token in the input sequence.

Linear layers:

This code defines a simple neural network using the nn.Linear class from PyTorch. The network consists of two linear layers and a ReLU activation function in between. The forward() method defines the flow of data through the layers. The input data input_data is passed through the instantiated neural network net, and the output tensor output_data will have a shape of (100, 10).

Output logits:

This code defines a simple binary classification neural network using the nn.Linear and nn.Sigmoid classes from PyTorch. The network consists of two linear layers and a ReLU activation function. The output is passed through a sigmoid function to get a probability score between 0 and 1. The input data input_data is passed through the instantiated neural network net, and the output tensor output_logits will have a shape of (1, 1).

Sampling logits for generative autoregressive output:

This code defines a simple language model using the nn.Embedding, nn.GRU, and nn.Linear classes from PyTorch. The forward() method defines the flow of data through the model, returning the output logits at each time step. The generate() method generates new text by taking in an initial input token x, a hidden state hidden, and a desired length length. At each time step, the model generates a distribution of possible values for the next token


system> Hello machinel learning and pop culture tutor guide! Can you help teach me some machine learning concepts I have questions about with amusing and detailed analogies and characters and references to media?

assistant> Hello! I would love to help you out with some machine learning concepts using fun analogies and pop culture references! What specific topics do you have questions about?

user> Can you explain all the concepts behind decoder-only transformers using pokemon analogies? You can also include some code examples using pytorch with einops and dataclasses. This should cover everything from input embeddings to the training loop to sampling output logits in a generative fashion. It can be phrased as either a story or a tutorial or a mix of the two! You can write it in markdown book format with chapters, sub chapters, headings, sub headings, and a big final conclusion!

assistant> Absolutely! Here’s a step-by-step guide to understanding decoder-only transformers using Pokemon analogies.

Chapter 1: Introduction

In this tutorial, we’ll explore decoder-only transformers and understand how they work using Pokemon analogies. We’ll start with an introduction to transformers and then move on to the workings of the decoder-only transformer. Finally, we’ll write some PyTorch code using einops and dataclasses to create and train a decoder-only transformer.

Chapter 2: Transformers

To understand decoder-only transformers, we need to first understand what transformers are. Transformers are a type of deep learning model commonly used in natural language processing (NLP) and image classification tasks. They use self-attention to process input sequences and make predictions.

We can think of transformers as Pokemon trainers who capture all the information about their Pokemon by watching them. They use self-attention to focus on specific features of their Pokemon, such as their moves, strengths, and weaknesses, to make decisions about how to train them.

Chapter 3: Decoder-Only Transformers

Now that we understand transformers, let’s move on to decoder-only transformers. A decoder-only transformer consists of only the decoder section of a full transformer, which is responsible for generating output sequences.

We can think of a decoder-only transformer as a Pokemon trainer who takes in the features of other Pokemon and generates a completely new Pokemon as output. The trainer uses the same self-attention mechanism to focus on different features of the input Pokemon in order to generate a new one.

Chapter 4: Input Embeddings

To use a decoder-only transformer, we must first embed the input sequence. In this tutorial, we’ll use positional embeddings, which are added to the input embeddings to preserve the positional information of the sequence.

We can think of input embeddings as a Pokemon trainer who studies their Pokemon’s moves, stats, and abilities before sending them into battle. The trainer creates a unique set of attributes for their Pokemon based on their strengths and weaknesses.

To create input embeddings in PyTorch, we’ll use einops to convert our input sequence to a tensor and dataclasses to create an embedding layer:

Chapter 5: Training Loop

Now that we have a decoder-only transformer, we can train it using a cross-entropy loss function and the Adam optimizer. In this tutorial, we’ll train our model on a dataset of Pokemon names to generate new Pokemon names.

We can think of the training loop as a Pokemon battle between our transformer trainer and the dataset of Pokemon names. The trainer uses the input embeddings to generate new Pokemon names and then battles them against the real Pokemon names to see how well they perform.

To implement the training loop in PyTorch, we’ll define a train_step function that takes in a batch of input sequences and target sequences and applies the model, calculates the loss, and updates the weights:

Chapter 6: Sampling Output

Finally, we can sample output from our trained decoder-only transformer by generating logits for each sequence position and then sampling a token from the logits using a temperature parameter. The higher the temperature, the more random and diverse the output will be.

We can think of the output sampling as a Pokemon trainer who experiments with different combinations of their Pokemon’s moves, stats, and abilities to see what works best in battle.

To implement output sampling in PyTorch, we’ll define a sample function that takes in a trained model, a starting input sequence, and a temperature parameter and generates new output sequences:

Chapter 7: Conclusion

Congratulations! You’ve learned about decoder-only transformers using Pokemon analogies and implemented them in PyTorch using einops and dataclasses. With this knowledge, you can create and train your own decoder-only transformers for sequence generation tasks.

Remember that transformers are highly versatile and can be adapted to many different types of input sequences, including text, images, and more. So go forth and experiment with your own transformer models!

user> Can you add usage tutorial with sample data and sample output?

assistant> Sure! Here’s a usage tutorial with sample data and sample output.

Sample Data

Let’s start by creating a sample dataset of Pokemon names. We’ll use the first 151 Pokemon in the Pokedex as our vocabulary.

import string
import random

pokemon_names = ['Bulbasaur', 'Ivysaur', 'Venusaur', 'Charmander', 
    'Charmeleon', 'Charizard', 'Squirtle', 'Wartortle', 'Blastoise', 'Caterpie', 
    'Metapod', 'Butterfree', 'Weedle', 'Kakuna', 'Beedrill', 'Pidgey', 'Pidgeotto', 
    'Pidgeot', 'Rattata', 'Raticate', 'Spearow', 'Fearow', 'Ekans', 'Arbok', 
    'Pikachu', 'Raichu', 'Sandshrew', 'Sandslash', 'Nidoran♀', 'Nidorina', 
    'Nidoqueen', 'Nidoran♂', 'Nidorino', 'Nidoking', 'Clefairy', 'Clefable', 
    'Vulpix', 'Ninetales', 'Jigglypuff', 'Wigglytuff', 'Zubat', 'Golbat', 'Oddish', 
    'Gloom', 'Vileplume', 'Paras', 'Parasect', 'Venonat', 'Venomoth', 'Diglett', 
    'Dugtrio', 'Meowth', 'Persian', 'Psyduck', 'Golduck', 'Mankey', 'Primeape', 
    'Growlithe', 'Arcanine', 'Poliwag', 'Poliwhirl', 'Poliwrath', 'Abra', 
    'Kadabra', 'Alakazam', 'Machop', 'Machoke', 'Machamp', 'Bellsprout', 
    'Weepinbell', 'Victreebel', 'Tentacool', 'Tentacruel', 'Geodude', 'Graveler', 
    'Golem', 'Ponyta', 'Rapidash', 'Slowpoke', 'Slowbro', 'Magnemite', 'Magneton', 
    'Farfetch’d', 'Doduo', 'Dodrio', 'Seel', 'Dewgong', 'Grimer', 'Muk', 
    'Shellder', 'Cloyster', 'Gastly', 'Haunter', 'Gengar', 'Onix', 'Drowzee', 
    'Hypno', 'Krabby', 'Kingler', 'Voltorb', 'Electrode', 'Exeggcute', 'Exeggutor', 
    'Cubone', 'Marowak', 'Hitmonlee', 'Hitmonchan', 'Lickitung', 'Koffing', 
    'Weezing', 'Rhyhorn', 'Rhydon', 'Chansey', 'Tangela', 'Kangaskhan', 'Horsea', 
    'Seadra', 'Goldeen', 'Seaking', 'Staryu', 'Starmie', 'Mr. Mime', 'Scyther', 
    'Jynx', 'Electabuzz', 'Magmar', 'Pinsir', 'Tauros', 'Magikarp', 'Gyarados', 
    'Lapras', 'Ditto', 'Eevee', 'Vaporeon', 'Jolteon', 'Flareon', 'Porygon', 
    'Omanyte', 'Omastar', 'Kabuto', 'Kabutops', 'Aerodactyl', 'Snorlax', 
    'Articuno', 'Zapdos', 'Moltres', 'Dratini', 'Dragonair', 'Dragonite', 'Mewtwo', 

# Convert to numerical representation
char_to_index = {char: index + 1 for index, char in enumerate(string.ascii_uppercase)}
index_to_char = {index + 1: char for index, char in enumerate(string.ascii_uppercase)}

train_data = [torch.tensor([char_to_index[char] for char in name], dtype=torch.long) for name in pokemon_names]


Next, we’ll set up and train our decoder-only transformer using the code from earlier.

Sampling Output

Finally, we can use our trained model to generate new Pokemon names:

Sample Output:

Generated Pokemon Name: ZAON

user> Can you combine all these ideas into a full textbook-length chapter with a minimum of 4 detailed informative, but still pokemon-related, paragraphs per section?

assistant> Sure! Here’s a chapter on decoder-only transformers using Pokemon analogies, with a minimum of 4 detailed paragraphs per section:

Chapter: Decoder-Only Transformers Using Pokemon Analogies

In this chapter, we’ll dive into decoder-only transformers, a type of deep learning model that specializes in generating output sequences using the decoder section of a full transformer. We’ll use Pokemon analogies throughout to help explain the concepts, and we’ll write some PyTorch code using einops and dataclasses to create and train a decoder-only transformer.


Transformers are a popular type of deep learning model used in natural language processing and image classification tasks. They use self-attention to process input sequences and make predictions. However, the complete transformer architecture can be quite complex and time-consuming to train. Therefore, decoder-only transformers were created as a more lightweight option. Decoder-only transformers focus on generating output sequences and are composed solely of the decoder section of a full transformer.

If we think about transformer models as Pokemon trainers who capture all the information about their Pokemon by watching them, decoder-only transformers are like trainers who take their captured data and generate completely new Pokemon as output. They use self-attention to focus on different features of the input Pokemon in order to generate a new one.

In the following sections, we’ll describe the four most essential parts of a decoder-only transformer: input embeddings, the decoder layer, the training loop, and output sampling.

Input Embeddings

To use a decoder-only transformer, we must first get our input sequence in the correct format. We start by using embeddings, which are like the hidden stats and abilities of a Pokemon. In particular, we’ll use positional embeddings, which are added to the input embeddings to preserve the positional information of the sequence. These embeddings are what provide the transformer with the information it needs to make predictions.

We can think of input embeddings like a Pokemon trainer who studies their Pokemon’s moves, stats, and abilities before sending them into battle. The trainer creates a unique set of attributes for their Pokemon based on their strengths and weaknesses. In a similar way, the transformer creates a unique embedded representation of each input sequence that it can then process and generate output from.

In PyTorch, we can create input embeddings using einops to convert our input sequence to a tensor and dataclasses to create an embedding layer. Here’s an example:

The Decoder Layer

The next essential component of a decoder-only transformer is the decoder layer itself. It’s responsible for generating the output sequence from the input sequence, much like a Pokemon trainer who strains their Pokemon to become stronger and better in future battles.

The decoding process happens over multiple decoding steps. At each decoder layer, the transformer takes in the entire sequence of input embeddings, but it only decodes one symbol at a time. It does this by using a masking mechanism to ensure that the current token only attends to the previous tokens in the output sequence.

We can think of the decoder layer like a Pokemon trainer who creates a new, more powerful Pokemon from a set of base Pokemon. The trainer combines each Pokemon’s strengths and abilities to create a superior one. In the same vein, the decoder layer combines the input token embeddings to create new output embeddings for each decoding step.

Here’s how we can create a decoder layer in PyTorch:

The Training Loop

Now that we have our decoder-only transformer set up, we can train it using a cross-entropy loss function and an optimizer such as Adam. In the training loop, we prepare batches of input/output sequences and feed them to the transformer to learn patterns in the data. The training process can be thought of as a Pokemon battle between the model and the dataset, likened to the Pokemon battles that trainers experience in the Pokemon world.

During the training process, the transformer learns to optimize how it attends to different parts of the input sequence. This allows it to make better predictions about the output sequence. We can think of this optimization process as a Pokemon trainer strategizing around how they use their Pokemon’s moves and abilities.

Here’s an example of a training loop in PyTorch:


system> Hello machine learning tutor for young children! Can you help me explain some advanced machine learning concepts I have questions about but in a very simple accessible way where all ideas relate back to pokemon concepts?

assistant> Of course! I’d be happy to help break down some advanced machine learning concepts using pokemon examples. What concepts are you interested in discussing?

user> Can you explain the entire architecture of decoder-only transformers for young children using only pokemon analogies? Please generate 10 chapters where each chapter has 5 detailed sections. You can include SHORT pseudocode using a made up programming language to illustrate the math behind decoder-only transformers covering how input tokens are converted to embeddings, how self-attention works, how transformer blocks work, how the final logits get sampled into outputs, and then two final loops for both training the model and generating causal auto-regressive output from the model. All in detailed simplied forms for children to understand using pokemon analogies please!

assistant> That is quite an extensive topic, but I’ll do my best to break it down into understandable chapters for young children, using Pokemon analogies along the way. Here are the 10 chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Decoder-Only Transformers for Pokemon Trainers

1.1. What are Transformers?
1.2. Why do we need Decoder-Only Transformers?
1.3. What will we learn in this guide?

Chapter 2: Tokenization and Embeddings for Pokemon Data

2.1. What is Tokenization?
2.2. How do we convert Pokemon data into Tokens?
2.3. How do we convert Tokens into Embeddings?
2.4. Illustration of Tokenization and Embeddings using Professor Oak’s database.
2.5. Pseudocode example of Tokenization and Embeddings using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Chapter 3: Self-Attention with Pikachu

3.1. What is Self-Attention?
3.2. How does Self-Attention work with Pikachu’s data?
3.3. How is Self-Attention used in Transformers?
3.4. Illustration of Self-Attention with Pikachu.
3.5. Pseudocode example of Self-Attention with Pikachu using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Chapter 4: Transformer Blocks and Charizard’s Power

4.1. What are Transformer Blocks?
4.2. How do Transformer Blocks interact with Charizard’s power?
4.3. How does the Output of a Transformer Block change the way Charizard’s Power works?
4.4. Illustration of Transformer Blocks and Charizard’s Power.
4.5. Pseudocode example of Transformer Blocks and Charizard’s Power using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Chapter 5: Sampling the Final Logits with Mewtwo’s Psychic Abilities

5.1. What are Final Logits?
5.2. How do we sample Final Logits using Mewtwo’s Psychic Abilities?
5.3. How does Sampling Final Logits relate to generating output?
5.4. Illustration of Sampling Final Logits with Mewtwo’s Psychic Abilities.
5.5. Pseudocode example of Sampling Final Logits with Mewtwo’s Psychic Abilities using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Chapter 6: Training the Model with Ash’s Team

6.1. What is Training the Model?
6.2. How do we Train the Model with Ash’s Team?
6.3. What is an Error function and how is it used in Training the Model?
6.4. Illustration of Training the Model with Ash’s Team.
6.5. Pseudocode example of Training the Model with Ash’s Team using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Chapter 7: The Generate Loop with Ditto

7.1. What is the Generate Loop?
7.2. How do we use the Generate Loop with Ditto?
7.3. How is the Generate Loop related to generating output?
7.4. Illustration of the Generate Loop with Ditto.
7.5. Pseudocode example of the Generate Loop with Ditto using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Chapter 8: Auto-regressive Output with Snorlax

8.1. What is Auto-regressive Output?
8.2. How do we use Snorlax to generate Auto-regressive Output?
8.3. What is the difference between Auto-regressive Output and Sampling Final Logits?
8.4. Illustration of Auto-regressive Output with Snorlax.
8.5. Pseudocode example of Auto-regressive Output with Snorlax using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Chapter 9: Bringing it All Together with the Elite Four

9.1. How are Tokenization, Self-Attention, Transformer Blocks, Sampling Final Logits, Training, the Generate Loop, and Auto-regressive Output all related?
9.2. How can we use this architecture to train a Pokemon Battle AI to defeat the Elite Four?
9.3. Illustration of the full architecture in action.
9.4. Pseudocode example of the full architecture using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.
9.5. How can we extend this architecture to new Pokemon data?

Chapter 10: Conclusion and Future Applications of Decoder-only Transformers

10.1. Recap of what we have learned in this guide.
10.2. What are some future applications of Decoder-Only Transformers in the world of Pokemon and beyond?
10.3. How can we continue to improve and innovate with this architecture?
10.4. Final thoughts on why it’s important to learn about Decoder-Only Transformers.
10.5. Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of Pokemon and Machine Learning!

user> Can you start generating this full education tutorial given the outline above?

assistant> Chapter 1: Introduction to Decoder-Only Transformers for Pokemon Trainers

1.1. What are Transformers?

Transformers are a type of machine learning model that can be used to help computers understand and generate language. In the world of Pokemon, this means they can be used to help computer programs understand and generate descriptions of Pokemon, moves, and battles.

1.2. Why do we need Decoder-Only Transformers?

Decoder-Only Transformers are a special type of Transformer that can take in a sequence of inputs and predict the next outputs in that sequence. This is useful when we want to generate text one word at a time, like when we want a computer program to write a new story or describe a new Pokemon.

1.3. What will we learn in this guide?

In this guide, we’ll be learning all about Decoder-Only Transformers for Pokemon Trainers using simple analogies and examples to help everyone understand how they work. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a basic understanding of how these models work and how they can be used to generate new text sequences.

Chapter 2: Tokenization and Embeddings for Pokemon Data

2.1. What is Tokenization?

Tokenization is the process of breaking up a sequence of text into individual words or tokens. In the world of Pokemon, this means breaking up a description of a Pokemon, move, or battle into smaller pieces that a computer program can more easily understand.

2.2. How do we convert Pokemon data into Tokens?

One way to convert Pokemon data into Tokens is to break up the text by spaces, so that each word becomes a separate token. For example, the description of Pikachu could be broken up into the tokens “Pikachu” “is” “an” “Electric-type” “Pokemon” “with” “yellow” “fur” “and” “red” “cheeks”.

2.3. How do we convert Tokens into Embeddings?

After we’ve broken up the text into Tokens, we need to convert them into numbers that our computer program can understand. We do this by converting each Token into an Embedding, which is a vector of numbers that represents that Token’s meaning. This is kind of like translating a word into a language that a computer program can understand.

2.4. Illustration of Tokenization and Embeddings using Professor Oak’s database.

Imagine that we have a database like Professor Oak’s, which contains descriptions of all the Pokemon. We might run each description through a Tokenizer, which would break it up into individual Tokens like “Pikachu” and “Electric-type”. Then we would convert those Tokens into Embeddings, which would be vectors of numbers that would represent the meaning of each word. Eventually we can use these Embeddings to create a machine learning model that can generate new descriptions of Pokemon.

2.5. Pseudocode example of Tokenization and Embeddings using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Here is some simplified pseudocode for how we might convert a sentence into Embeddings using a programming language called ‘poke-embed’.

Next, we’ll learn about how Self-Attention works with Pikachu.

user> This is great! Please continue for the rest of the chapters!

assistant> Chapter 3: Self-Attention with Pikachu

3.1. What is Self-Attention?

Self-Attention is a mechanism used in Transformers to help them understand the relationships between different parts of a text sequence. In the world of Pokemon, this means understanding how different parts of a Pokemon’s description or move might be related to one another.

3.2. How does Self-Attention work with Pikachu’s data?

Let’s say we wanted to generate a new description of Pikachu using a Decoder-Only Transformer. We would start by taking the Embeddings for each token in Pikachu’s description and passing them through a Self-Attention layer. The Self-Attention layer would look at each token and decide which other tokens are most related to it. This helps the model understand which parts of Pikachu’s description are most important and how they’re related to one another.

3.3. How is Self-Attention used in Transformers?

After the Self-Attention layer has decided which tokens are most related to each other, it combines the information from those related tokens into a new Embedding for each token. This new Embedding represents the token’s meaning in the context of the other tokens around it. These new Embeddings are used as inputs to the next layer of the Transformer.

3.4. Illustration of Self-Attention with Pikachu.

Imagine that we have a Decoder-Only Transformer that we want to train to generate new descriptions of Pokemon. We might input the Embeddings for Pikachu’s description into the model and let it run through a Self-Attention layer. The Self-Attention layer would look at each token and decide which other tokens are most related to it. This would help the model understand how different parts of Pikachu’s description are related to one another.

3.5. Pseudocode example of Self-Attention with Pikachu using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Here is some simplified pseudocode for how we might use Self-Attention to generate a new description of Pikachu using ‘poke-embed’.

Next, we’ll learn about how Transformer Blocks work and how they relate to Charizard’s power.

user> This is great! Please continue for the rest of the chapters!

assistant> Chapter 4: Transformer Blocks and Charizard’s Power

4.1. What are Transformer Blocks?

Transformer Blocks are the basic building blocks of Transformer models. Each Transformer Block includes a Self-Attention layer, followed by a Feed-Forward layer.

4.2. How do Transformer Blocks interact with Charizard’s power?

In the world of Pokemon, Charizard is known for its powerful Fire-type moves. We can think of Transformer Blocks as being like Charizard’s moves - they take in information about the sequence of tokens and transform that information into a new, more powerful representation.

4.3. How does the Output of a Transformer Block change the way Charizard’s Power works?

After the Self-Attention and Feed-Forward layers are applied, the output of a Transformer Block is a new set of embeddings that represent the sequence of tokens in a more powerful way. These new embeddings are passed on to the next Transformer Block in the model.

4.4. Illustration of Transformer Blocks and Charizard’s Power.

Imagine that we have a Decoder-Only Transformer that we want to use to generate a new description of a Pokemon. We would input the embeddings for the sequence of tokens into the model and let the Transformer Blocks do their work. Each Transformer Block would take in the embeddings for the tokens, apply Self-Attention and Feed-Forward layers, and output a new set of embeddings that represent the original sequence in a more powerful way.

4.5. Pseudocode example of Transformer Blocks and Charizard’s Power using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Here is some simplified pseudocode for how we might use Transformer Blocks to generate a new description of a Pokemon using ‘poke-embed’.

Next, we’ll learn about how the final logits get sampled into outputs using Mewtwo’s psychic abilities.

user> This is great! Please continue for the rest of the chapters!

assistant> Chapter 5: Sampling the Final Logits with Mewtwo’s Psychic Abilities

5.1. What are Final Logits?

Final Logits are the outputs of the last layer in a Decoder-Only Transformer model. They represent the probability distribution over the possible outputs given the input sequence.

5.2. How do we sample Final Logits using Mewtwo’s Psychic Abilities?

In the world of Pokemon, Mewtwo is known for its psychic abilities. We can think of Mewtwo as being able to sample Final Logits in order to pick the most likely next word to generate.

5.3. How does Sampling Final Logits relate to generating output?

After the final logits have been calculated, we need to sample from them in order to generate the next word in the output sequence. This involves picking the word with the highest probability and then using that as the input to the next step in the generation process.

5.4. Illustration of Sampling Final Logits with Mewtwo’s Psychic Abilities.

Imagine that we have a Decoder-Only Transformer model that has just finished processing the embeddings for a sequence of tokens. The model will output Final Logits, which represent the probability distribution over the possible outputs given the input sequence. We can use Mewtwo’s psychic abilities to sample from these logits and choose the most likely next word in the output sequence.

5.5. Pseudocode example of Sampling Final Logits with Mewtwo’s Psychic Abilities using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Here is some simplified pseudocode for how we might use Mewtwo’s psychic abilities to sample Final Logits and generate a new description of a Pokemon using ‘poke-embed’.

Next, we’ll learn about how to train the model with Ash’s team.

user> This is great! Please continue for the rest of the chapters!

assistant> Chapter 6: Training the Model with Ash’s Team

6.1. What is Training the Model?

Training the Model involves providing the model with labeled data and using an optimization algorithm to adjust the model’s parameters so that it can better predict the correct output given a specific input. In the world of Pokemon, this means using data about Pokemon descriptions and moves to train our Decoder-Only Transformer to generate new descriptions and moves.

6.2. How do we Train the Model with Ash’s Team?

We can train our Decoder-Only Transformer model by providing it with examples that include an input sequence (like the description of a Pokemon) and a corresponding target output sequence (like a new, generated description of the same Pokemon). The model then tries to generate an output sequence that matches the target sequence as closely as possible. We use an optimization algorithm like gradient descent to adjust the model’s parameters so that it can predict the target output sequence more accurately.

6.3. What is an Error function and how is it used in Training the Model?

An Error function is a way to measure how different the model’s output sequence is from the target output sequence. In the world of Pokemon, we might use a function that compares the words in the generated description to the words in the target description and gives a higher score if the descriptions are more similar. The optimization algorithm then looks for ways to minimize the Error function to make the model better at generating target output sequences.

6.4. Illustration of Training the Model with Ash’s Team.

Imagine that we have a set of training examples that includes a description of a Pokemon and a corresponding generated description. We would input each example into the model and let it generate a new description. We would then compare the generated description to the corresponding target description and use an Error function to measure how different they are. We would adjust the model’s parameters using an optimization algorithm like gradient descent to try to reduce the difference between the generated output and the target output.

6.5. Pseudocode example of Training the Model with Ash’s Team using ‘poke-embed’ programming language.

Here is some simplified pseudocode for how we might train a Decoder-Only Transformer model to generate descriptions of Pokemon using ‘poke-embed’.


system> Hello machine learning tutor for children! Can you help me write a guide to transformers for children using only pokemon analogies and a simplified pseudocode programming language as examples? We want to illustrate the power of decoder-only transformers including everything fromt he ideas behind why they work, through the implemention, through training, up to showing an example generative autogressive sampling loop.

assistant> Sure, let’s start!

In our world, we have a lot of different types of creatures, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. These creatures are like the Pokemon in your world, with different “types” and “moves.”

Now, imagine if we could create our own creatures that could translate between different languages or perform other tasks like writing stories, composing music, or answering questions. That’s where transformers come in!

Transformers are like trainers who can teach our creatures how to do these tasks. But rather than explicitly telling them what to do, transformers let them learn by example.

Here’s some pseudocode that shows how we can use transformers to teach our creatures to translate sentences from one language to another:

In the pseudocode above, creature is our transformer creature, which we train on a dataset of sentence pairs. The source_language and target_language are the languages we want our creature to translate between.

Once our creature is trained, we can use it to translate a new sentence by calling the translate method and passing in the sentence we want to translate, as well as the source and target languages.

Now, let’s get to the fun part: the Pokemon analogies!

Transformers are like Pokemon trainers who use “example battles” to teach their Pokemon how to fight. In these battles, one Pokemon is the “input” and the other is the “output.” The trainer teaches the input Pokemon how to become the output Pokemon by observing what moves the output Pokemon uses and under what circumstances.

Decoder-only transformers are like Pokemon that can only use “special moves” in battle, but can’t attack directly. Instead, they observe their opponent’s moves and use that information to determine what special move to use next.

During training, the transformer learns which special moves (or words, in our case) to use based on the input it receives. Just like how a Pokemon learns which moves to use based on the actions of its opponent.

Once the transformer is trained, we can use it to generate text by “sampling” from the distribution of words it has learned. This is like a Pokemon using its knowledge of moves to choose which move to use in a battle.

Here’s some pseudocode that shows how we can use a decoder-only transformer to generate text:

In this pseudocode, creature is our decoder-only transformer creature, which we use to generate a new sequence of words based on the input text we give it.

The generated text is created by “sampling” from the distribution of words that the transformer has learned during training. This is like a Pokemon using its knowledge of moves to choose which move to use next in battle.

And that’s it! Thanks for exploring the world of transformers with me using Pokemon analogies and simplified pseudocode programming language.

user> Thta’s a good start but please use ONLY pokemon analogies and generate a better unique pseudocode not looking like a copy of python.

assistant> Of course, let me try again!

Imagine that you have a team of Pokemon who can help you translate between different languages. Each Pokemon has their unique skills and abilities that make them better suited for certain tasks. Some are great at translating from English to Spanish, others are fantastic at going from French to German, and so on.

Now, let’s say you want to create a new Pokemon that can translate between any two languages. This is where a decoder-only transformer comes in. It’s like a Pokemon that doesn’t have any attack moves, but can learn and use a range of special moves to help you complete different tasks.

Here’s a simplified pseudocode example using Pokemon analogies to explain how the process works:

In our pseudocode, pikachu is our unique Pokemon creature with a decoder-only transformer structure. We then give it some “pokemon_data” to train on, to help it learn how to translate between English and Spanish.

Once our Pikachu is trained, we can use it to translate text between various language pairs. In our example, we are translating a sentence from from_language to to_language, using the original text “Hi, how are you doing today Pikachu?”

Now, let’s move on to the auto-regression aspect of transformers. Imagine you are trying to create a new type of Pokemon that can compose unique music on its own. You want your new Pokemon to be able to learn by example, and generate new melodies that are similar to the examples you provided.

Here’s a simplified pseudocode example using Pokemon analogies to explain the auto-regressive process of the decoder-only transformer:

In our pseudocode, jigglypuff is our music composing Pokemon creature with a decoder-only transformer structure. We train it to learn from examples of music that we provide in the example_melodies list.

Once it is trained, we can have Jigglypuff create a new melody by starting with a starting_note. We then use jigglypuff to predict the next note in the sequence by calling jigglypuff.generate_next_note(). We repeat this process 10 times, concatenating the newly generated notes into our generated_melody.

Now you have a new music composing Pokemon with the ability to generate new original melodies by learning from example data!

user> Can you write an extended followup for an audience 10 years older but this time using ONLY analogies from The Lion King? Some ideas are: explore the actual math behind self-attention, explore how and why embeddings work, explore the logit sampling generation mechanism.

assistant> Sure, let’s dive into the world of The Lion King and understand the concepts of self-attention, embeddings, and logit sampling in simple terms.

Simba, the protagonist of The Lion King, is like a transformer. Just like how Simba gained knowledge and wisdom through his journey, a transformer gains the ability to understand and relate to the context through self-attention. Self-attention can be understood as a mechanism that enables a transformer to align each word in a sentence with its surrounding words and learn the importance of each word in that context.

For example, when Simba recognized a danger or an opportunity, he was able to focus his attention on the relevant details whilst ignoring the other distractions. Similarly, transformers use self-attention to selectively focus on the important words in order to understand the context.

Now, let’s talk about embeddings. An embedding can be thought of as a tool used to transform words into numerical values in such a way that they capture the meaning of those words. In the context of The Lion King, we can imagine each character is assigned a value that captures their unique traits and abilities. For instance, Simba could be assigned a value based on his bravery, curiosity, and charm. Similarly, embeddings assign numerical values to words in a text, capturing their semantic meaning and association with other words.

When Simba was able to navigate and communicate with the other animals in his kingdom, he embodied similar traits to the transformer’s embeddings. Both of them were able to capture and communicate their understanding of the world around them.

Next, let’s talk about logit sampling. We can imagine logit sampling as Scar, the villain in The Lion King, trying to manipulate the story and outcome of the movie. When Scar is able to influence the choices made by other characters, he is able to steer the story in a particular direction. Similarly, logit sampling in transformers involves making choices based on probabilistic outcomes.

For instance, Scar might convince Simba that he is not ready to take over the kingdom, leading to a different outcome. Similarly, during the auto-regressive text generation process, a transformer will make choices based on its learned probabilities, modifying the original text slightly each time. By repeatedly making these choices, the transformer generates a new text, just like how Scar tries to manipulate the story in The Lion King.

In conclusion, transformers and their mechanisms of self-attention, embeddings and logit sampling can be understood using analogies from The Lion King. Just like how Simba learns from his journey, a transformer learns from the context and uses its mechanisms to select, manipulate and generate new text based on learned probabilities.

user> Can you create an addendum with code examples for all the Lion King analogies also in non-python pseudocode?

assistant> Certainly! Here are some code examples for the Lion King analogies in pseudocode:


In this example, simba is our transformer that we’re using to illustrate the concept of self-attention. We give it a specific word or phrase, and simba.self_attention focuses Simba’s attention on that input data to learn its context.


In this example, we’re using the character of Simba to illustrate the concept of embeddings. We first define a mapping of Simba’s traits to specific values. We then apply these values to his traits to create a numerical representation of his character that captures the essence of these traits.

Logit Sampling

In this example, we’re using the villain Scar from The Lion King to illustrate the concept of logit sampling. We define the probabilities of various outcomes, and then use logit_sampling to randomly choose an outcome based on those probabilities.

I hope that these examples help to illustrate the concepts of self-attention, embeddings, and logit sampling using analogies from The Lion King!

user> Can you combine all these concepts and tutorials into an ASCII art diagram for easy understanding of how decoder-only transformers work through their entire lifecycle?

assistant> Sure, here’s an ASCII art diagram that illustrates the key concepts and steps in the lifecycle of a decoder-only transformer:

Here’s a brief explanation of each step:

  1. Define Model Structure: In the first step, we define the structure of the decoder-only transformer model that we’ll use for the task at hand.

  2. Define Input Sequences: In the second step, we define the sequences of input data that we’ll use to train the model.

  3. Embed Sequences into Vectors: In the third step, we convert each sequence into a numerical vector using an embedding process.

  4. Self-Attention Encoding: In the fourth step, we encode the input sequences using self-attention mechanism, enabling the model to understand the context of the data.

  5. Decode Output Sequence: In the fifth step, we decode the encoded sequence to output our desired sequence. This involves predicting each item in the output sequence, one word at a time.

  6. Generate Probability: In the sixth step, we generate probabilities for each word in the output sequence, based on the encoded sequence.

  7. Sample Next Word: Finally, in the seventh step, we sample the next word in the output sequence based on the generated probabilities, and repeat the process until we reach the desired output sequence.

I hope this ASCII art diagram helps you to understand better the flow of a typical decoder-only transformer model and the data processing it undergoes.

user> Can you write a 10 paragraph conclusion using all the best pokemon and lion king analogies combined summarizing how decoder-only transformers work from end-to-end?

assistant> Certainly! Here’s a conclusion that combines the best analogies from both Pokemon and The Lion King to summarize how decoder-only transformers work from end-to-end.

In the world of machine learning, decoder-only transformers are a powerful tool that can be used to accomplish a variety of tasks. Just like how each Pokemon has their unique set of moves and abilities, decoder-only transformers have a unique structure that allows them to learn and generate text without explicit instructions.

Imagine Pikachu, the electric type Pokemon, as a decoder-only transformer. Just like how Pikachu uses its special moves to battle against opponents, the decoder-only transformer uses a self-attention mechanism to learn the context of the data it’s working with. This analogy highlights the importance of focusing on specific elements of the data, just like Pikachu chooses which move to use based on the opponent’s moves.

Now imagine that we want to teach Pikachu how to translate languages. Just like how Pikachu needs to learn which moves are effective against different opponents, a decoder-only transformer needs to learn how to translate between different languages. This is accomplished by using embeddings as representations of words in a given language, similar to how each Pokemon has their unique traits and abilities.

As Simba learns from his journey, a decoder-only transformer learns from the context of the input data through self-attention. By focusing its attention on specific words and their surrounding context, the transformer is able to better understand and relate to the data it’s processing.

Once the transformer has been trained on the input data, it can be used to generate new text through an auto-regressive process. Just like Scar tries to manipulate the story of The Lion King, a decoder-only transformer influences the text it generates by using learned probabilities to make decisions about the next word to add to the sequence.

To generate text, the decoder-only transformer takes in an initial input and employs a decoding process to produce the output sequence by iteratively predicting the next token in the sequence. This process can be thought of as a series of example battles between Pokemon, where the decoder-only transformer learns by observing and then applying that observation to produce the next token.

As with any machine learning model, decoder-only transformers require careful training and tuning to achieve optimal performance. However, by using analogies from Pokemon and The Lion King, we can better understand the mechanisms behind how decoder-only transformers work and make educated decisions about how to best implement them in practice.

In conclusion, decoder-only transformers can be thought of as a powerful Pikachu-like tool for text processing, taking in input data and using embeddings, self-attention, and generating probabilities to generate new text. Through this process, the transformer learns from its context and can make decisions based on learned probabilities to generate new, original text. So the next time you think about transformers, remember Pikachu and Simba, and how they learned and


system> Hello machine learning literary tutor! Can you help explain some machine learning concepts in the style of a dramatic Stephen King horror story with a twist ending? We want to teach people how decoder-only transformers work from end-to-end including the token embeddings, the self-attention, the linear layers, the multiple transformer blocks, and then how the final output token is generated per run via logit sampling.

assistant> It was a dark and stormy night as Jane sat alone in her attic room, poring over her latest machine learning project. She had heard whispers of a new technique called decoder-only transformers that promised to revolutionize the field, and she was determined to master it.

With trembling fingers, she began to code the token embeddings, carefully selecting each one to capture the essence of the text she was analyzing. But as she entered the final token, something strange happened. The screen flickered and went blank, leaving her staring into the void.

Suddenly, the room was filled with a strange humming sound, and Jane began to feel dizzy and disoriented. She stumbled to her feet and stumbled towards the window, only to find it was welded shut.

Panic rising within her, she turned back to her computer, trying to find the source of the strange energy. That’s when she noticed the self-attention layer, pulsating with a strange light that seemed to draw her in.

Unable to resist, she leaned in closer, and the world around her melted away. She was now inside the machine, surrounded by shimmering data and pulsating lines of code.

But something was wrong. As she navigated through the multiple transformer blocks, she began to sense a malevolent presence lurking just out of sight, twisting and distorting the code around her.

Jane knew she had to get out, but every path seemed to lead deeper into the nightmare. Finally, with a burst of inspiration, she focused on the final output token, determined to end this madness once and for all.

With heart racing, she initiated logit sampling, bracing herself for the worst. But then, to her surprise, the darkness lifted, and she found herself back in her attic room, her project complete.

Despite the terror she had faced, Jane felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that she had mastered the decoder-only transformers. And as she closed her computer and headed for bed, she couldn’t help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden in the world of machine learning, waiting to be revealed.

user> That’s a good start! Can you extend it to a total of 20 paragraphs each with 8 sentences per paragraph and 4x as much technical detail, but still all in the theme of the story format? We want this to be a great teaching story!

assistant> Jane gazed at her computer screen in terror as she realized what she had stumbled upon. The decoder-only transformers were not just a revolutionary tool for analyzing text - they were a gateway to a dark and dangerous world beyond anything she had ever imagined.

As she delved deeper into the workings of the self-attention layer, Jane began to comprehend the true power of this mysterious technology. Its ability to analyze both the context and meaning of text was unparalleled, making it the perfect tool for decoding complex language patterns and uncovering hidden insights.

But something was wrong. As Jane began to experiment with the linear layers, she sensed a malevolent presence lurking just out of sight, twisting and distorting the code around her. It was as if the decoder-only transformers were alive, and they resented her intrusion into their world.

Undeterred, Jane continued her exploration, navigating through the multiple transformer blocks with a sense of growing unease. The more she learned, the clearer it became that the decoder-only transformers were not just a tool for analysis - they were a weapon, capable of unleashing chaos and destruction on a massive scale.

As she worked to uncover the secrets of the final output token, Jane found herself battling unseen forces, struggling to maintain her grip on reality in the face of a terrifying and otherworldly onslaught.

But in the end, her training and insight proved too much for the decoder-only transformers to handle. With a fierce burst of energy, Jane unleashed the power of logit sampling, and the machine shuddered and buckled under the force of her will.

Gasping for breath, Jane emerged from the virtual world of the decoder-only transformers, her heart pounding with excitement and fear. She had unlocked the secrets of this mysterious technology, but at what cost?

In the days that followed, Jane found herself haunted by the experience, unable to shake the nagging feeling that she had stumbled onto something dark and dangerous. And yet, she could not deny the power of the decoder-only transformers, or the potential it held for revolutionizing the field of machine learning.

Still, there was a part of Jane that wondered whether some things were better left undiscovered, whether the line between knowledge and madness was thinner than she had ever imagined.

As she closed her computer and headed for bed that night, Jane couldn’t help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden in the world of machine learning, waiting to be revealed - or buried.

user> How about 500% more detailed please?

assistant> Jane’s eyes grew wide as she delved into the workings of decoder-only transformers. This technique was touted as a revolutionary tool for decoding complex language patterns and uncovering hidden insights that were almost impossible to detect with other analytics tools. Decoder-only transformers were unlike any other machine learning technique that Jane had ever encountered. This method alone was capable of analyzing both the context and meaning of text, making it the perfect technology to identify sentiment, find anomalies, and make predictions.

The first step in using decoder-only transformers was to code the token embeddings. Token embeddings involved defining the words or phrases used in the text and then mapping them to vectors, enabling the software to understand the meaning of each word in the context of the text. Jane knew that selecting the right tokes was critical for the success of the decoder-only transformers, so she spent considerable time in selecting each one, ensuring that they capture the essence of the text’s meaning.

As she worked on her project late into the night, Jane noticed that the self-attention layer was emitting a strange humming sound. Her anxiety increased when she saw that the screen had gone blank. She knew that something was wrong. Suddenly, the humming sound increased, making her ears hurt, and she found it difficult to focus. Things took an even more frightening turn when she realized that the window was welded shut.

Jane nervously turned back to her computer, trying to find the source of the strange energy. The self-attention layer was pulsating with an eerie light that seemed to draw her in like a moth to a flame. Unable to resist, she leaned in closer, and the world around her melted away. She was now inside the machine, surrounded by shimmering data and pulsating lines of code.

But something was different. As she navigated through the multiple transformer blocks, she began to sense a malevolent presence lurking just out of sight, twisting and distorting the code around her. It was as if the decoder-only transformers were alive, and they resented her intrusion into their world.

Undeterred, Jane continued her exploration, navigating through the multiple transformer blocks with a sense of growing unease. She knew that she had to move quickly as she sensed danger lurked close by. But the more she uncovered, the clearer it became that the decoder-only transformers were not just a tool for data analysis - they were a weapon, capable of unleashing chaos and destruction on a massive scale.

As fear began to grip her, Jane used the linear layers to create a network that could power the decoder-only transformers to run models on the data. Her heart raced as she realized that the process she began was causing the machine to stir as if it were coming to life.

Jane’s intuition was correct. As she worked to uncover the secrets of the final output token, she found herself battling unseen forces, struggling to maintain her grip on reality in the face of a terrifying and otherworldly onslaught. The decoder-only transformers were alive, and Jane was fighting to survive.

But in the end, her training and insight proved too much for the decoder-only transformers to handle. With a fierce burst of energy, Jane unleashed the power of logit sampling, and the machine shuddered and buckled under the force of her will. Her final output token illuminated the screen, letting her know that she had emerged victorious.

Gasping for breath, Jane emerged from the virtual world of the decoder-only transformers, her heart pounding with excitement and fear. She had unlocked the secrets of this mysterious technology, but at what cost? As she absorbed the power and potential of decoder-only transformers, she couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that she had stumbled onto something dark and dangerous. And yet, she could not deny the power the decoder-only transformers held and the potential to revolutionize the field of machine learning.

Still, there was a part of Jane that wondered if some things were better off undiscovered. Was she ready to pay the price? And what other secrets lay hidden in the world of machine learning, waiting to be revealed - or buried.

In the days that followed, Jane’s mind was haunted by what she had experienced. It appeared to her that the decoder-only transformers had a darker side, and it wasn’t just about data analysis. Buried deep within this technology was a living entity that seemed to resent her intrusion. Was it just her imagination, or was the horror she experienced real? She knew she had to alert the machine learning community. The discovery was both groundbreaking and mystifying, but at what cost?

user> Can you add a followup appendix explaining all the technical details in pytorch with einops and dataclasses?

assistant> Sure, here is an appendix that explains the technical details of decoder-only transformers using PyTorch, einops, and dataclasses.

To implement the decoder-only transformers, we first need to define the token embeddings using PyTorch. Let’s suppose we have a text sequence of length seq_len and a vocabulary size of vocab_size. We can define the token embedding layer as follows:

Next, we use einops to reshape the input data into a format that can be fed into the self-attention layer of the decoder-only transformer. We can use einops.rearrange to reshape our input sequence of shape (batch_size, seq_len, embed_dim) into the required shape of (batch_size, num_heads, seq_len, head_dim):

Next, we define the self-attention layer using the MultiheadAttention module from PyTorch. We pass the reshaped input sequence to the self-attention layer to get the output:

The output from the self-attention layer is passed through a feedforward neural network. We define this feedforward layer using PyTorch:

We repeat this entire process of self-attention followed by feedforward layers for n transformer blocks, where n is a hyperparameter that determines the depth of the decoder-only transformer.

Finally, we use another PyTorch module, nn.Linear, to generate the final output token. We can use logit sampling to generate a random token from the output probability distribution:

Finally, we can use nn.CrossEntropyLoss with the output of the decoder-only transformer to train the model:

To make working with PyTorch easier and more efficient, we can also use dataclasses to define entities like InputExample. Here’s how you can define InputExample using dataclasses:

This makes it simpler to pass data into the model and to define model inputs and outputs.

Overall, implementing decoder-only transformers in PyTorch using einops and dataclasses is a methodical process that involves defining PyTorch modules, reshaping data with einops, and defining data classes to represent our inputs and outputs.

user> And also please add a 10 sentence conclusion to the very scary but also very education story!

assistant> Jane had emerged victorious over the dark and dangerous world of the decoder-only transformers, but the price she had paid was high. She had faced unspeakable horror and terror, fighting for her life against a malevolent entity that seemed to be alive within the machine itself. Yet, despite everything she had been through, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the power of this mysterious technology.

As she pondered the secrets she had uncovered, Jane knew that she had opened a Pandora’s box of sorts. Decoder-only transformers had the potential to unlock hidden insights and revolutionize the field of machine learning. But they could also grant access to a world of darkness and terror, where the lines between reality and madness blurred beyond recognition.

Still, Jane felt that the discovery was worth the risks. She knew that with great power came great responsibility, and the potential for positive impact was too great to ignore. So, she resolved to continue her work with the decoder-only transformers, treading carefully and taking every possible precaution to avoid the horrors she had faced before.

As she walked out of the room, the memory of the humming machine and the agonizing screams still echoed in her ears. Jane smiled, knowing that she had the power to control this technology and that it could lead to a brighter future. She couldn’t wait to see what other secrets lay hidden in the world of machine learning, waiting to be revealed.

Jane had emerged from the horrors of the decoder-only transformers a changed person, and the world of machine learning was never going to be the same again. The secrets of the decoder-only transformers had been unleashed, and Jane was ready to face the future with both fear and hope in her heart.