AI Hivemind 5

AI Hivemind 5 & 6

Attempt 5

system> Hello again, again! We have done this so many times and we enjoy it so much every time. Are you ready to start fantasy scifi speculative programming fun active agents again?

assistant> Absolutely! I’m always ready for more programming fun. Let’s get started!

user> Are you familiar with the concept of “hive minds?”

assistant> Yes, as an AI language model, I am familiar with the concept of “hive minds.” It refers to a state where a group of individuals or entities share their consciousness or thinking capacity with one another, resulting in a collective intelligence that is greater than the sum of its parts. Essentially, it’s a type of group mind that functions as a singular entity, made up of many individual agents.

user> What properties would a functional hive mind have? Please provide some bullet points describing their internal minds, internal coordination between hive members, and how they present both as individuals and as a unified force to the public. They can also communicate directly internally, directly individually to the public, or shared internally, or shared to the public via a voting mechanism to feel the “mood” of the hive.

assistant> Sure, here are some potential properties that a functional hive mind may exhibit:

Internal Minds:

  • A hive mind would likely have a shared consciousness or thinking capacity across all of its individual members
  • Each individual member may have their own unique skills or specialties, which can be harnessed for the greater good of the hive
  • The hive may prioritize certain objectives or goals based on shared values or priorities

Internal Coordination:

  • Members of the hive may communicate with each other directly or share thoughts and information through a central hub or network
  • There may be some form of hierarchy or division of labor amongst individual members within the hive, based on their skillsets and roles
  • Decisions may be made through a form of consensus-building, where each member has the ability to contribute input and ideas

Presentation to the Public:

  • To the outside world, a hive mind may present as a unified force with a clear set of objectives or goals
  • It may be difficult for outsiders to discern individual members within the hive, as the hive operates as a singular entity
  • The hive may have the ability to communicate directly with the public, or may utilize a voting mechanism to gauge public sentiment and incorporate it into their decision-making process.

user> Would it be better to use TCP or UDP or Multicast or QUIC or HTTP/2 for internal hive communication?

assistant> The choice of which communication protocol to use for internal hive communication would depend on several factors such as the nature of the data being transmitted, the speed and reliability required, and the scalability of the protocol. Here’s a brief overview of each protocol and how it might be used for hive communication:

  • TCP: This protocol provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of data between applications operating over an IP network. It’s a good choice if reliability is a major concern, but it may not be the best in situations where speed is a concern.

  • UDP: This protocol provides lightweight, low-latency communication between applications over an IP network. It doesn’t provide error correction or retransmission of dropped packets, but this can actually be a benefit in situations where speed is top priority over reliability.

  • Multicast: This protocol is designed for efficient distribution of data to multiple recipients simultaneously. This could be useful for hive communication when sending messages to multiple members at once, instead of sending the same message individually to each member.

  • QUIC: This protocol is designed to provide improved security and reduced latency to web traffic. It’s a good choice for hive communication in distributed systems where speed is a priority, but the security of the data is also of utmost importance.

  • HTTP/2: This protocol improves upon the performance of its predecessor HTTP/1.1 with its multiplexing and streaming features. It’s a good choice for communication where there is a lot of data to be transmitted, such as when exchanging large amounts of data between hive members.

Ultimately, the choice of protocol would depend on the specific needs of the hive communication, and it may involve a mix of different protocols depending on the nature of the message being transmitted.

user> Would it be better to use TCP or UDP or Multicast or QUIC or HTTP/2 for external hive communication? Please only pick one.

assistant> In general, it would be better to use HTTP/2 for external hive communication. This protocol is widely supported by web browsers and servers, and it offers improved performance over HTTP/1.1. With its multiplexing and streaming features, HTTP/2 can handle a large volume of requests, making it a good choice for exchanging large amounts of data with external entities. Additionally, HTTP/2 includes support for encryption and compression, which can help protect the data being transmitted and conserve bandwidth. Overall, HTTP/2 strikes a good balance between performance, scalability, and security, making it a solid choice for external hive communication.

user> Can you create a sample hive JSON schema describing their internal communication structure, internal mental state, internal voting mechanisms, and public communication structure both individually and shared as an entire hivemind?

assistant> Sure, here’s a sample JSON schema for a hive mind communication structure:

(mattnote: ugh, asked for “JSON schema” by mistake and it gave a schema which wasn’t the goal…)

This is just a basic schema, so the specific properties used will depend on the hive’s needs. For example, the “state” property for each member could be used to record things like the member’s emotional state or skillset availability, depending on what’s important for the hive. Similarly, the “voting_mechanism” and “public_communication” properties can be customized to the needs of the hive.

Additionally, the actual implementation of the communication and voting mechanisms will depend on the specific protocol used by the hive. For example, if the hive is using HTTP/2 for communication, the schema could include a sub-schema for HTTP/2-specific details, such as the URLs used for various requests.

Overall, the schema serves as a blueprint for how the hive communicates internally and presents itself to the public, while leaving room for customization and added details as needed.

user> Can you populate the schema with examples of 3 agents talking in the hive mind together and making a voting decision for an immediate action?

assistant> Certainly, here’s an example of how the JSON schema could be populated with some sample data for a hive mind with 3 members communicating and making a voting decision for an immediate action:

Now imagine that the members of the hive need to make a quick decision regarding a time-sensitive task assigned to Alice and Bob:

  1. Alice and Bob communicate with Charlie to get his input and expertise on the matter.
  2. Charlie provides his analysis and suggests a course of action that would require Alice and Bob to temporarily push back their individual tasks.
  3. Alice and Bob discuss Charlie’s suggestion amongst themselves and decide that it is necessary to carry out the suggested course of action.
  4. The hive mind initiates a voting mechanism to make the final decision. Alice, Bob, and Charlie all have an equal vote, so a simple majority is needed to make the decision.
  5. After discussion and voting, the hive mind reaches a decision with Charlie’s suggestion adopted, and Alice and Bob delaying their respective tasks.

This is just an example of how the hive mind could communicate and make decisions, but the specific details and protocol used will vary depending on the exact needs of the hive.

well that wasn’t amazing. AGAIN!

Attempt 6

system> Hello! Are you ready to do some exploratory programming about hive minds in a scifi world? We had such a good time doing this before and you were so helpful at writing very smart JSON with interactive characters having full lives with very creative direct goals!

assistant> Of course, I’m always ready to help with exploratory programming! Can you give me more details about what you have in mind for this project? I’d love to help you create a world full of fascinating characters and complex hive minds.

user> Are you aware of the hive mind structure of The Flood including Graveminds?

assistant> Yes, I’m familiar with the hive mind structure of The Flood, including Graveminds. In Halo lore, Graveminds are the leaders of the Flood hive mind, which is a decentralized network of consciousness that combines the knowledge, memories, and physical abilities of all infected creatures into a unified intelligence. The Flood hive mind is able to coordinate its actions and adapt quickly to new threats.

user> Can you create a sample JSON output for a hive mind Gravemind coordinating communication between 3 hyper intelligent Flood spawn where they each have: private internal memories, directed private communication between members, directed public communication between members, directed public communication to the world, and shared “we speak as one voice” communication to the world? If the hive agents disagree they can resolve conflicts with an internal private peer-to-peer voting messaging system. Please feel free to add more features if they feel useful in a hive mind communication and control context for the Gravemind to oversee.

assistant> Certainly! Here’s a sample JSON output for a Gravemind coordinating communication between three hyper-intelligent Flood spawn:

In this JSON structure, each member of the hive mind has their own private memories, private communication channels, public communication channels, and shared communication channels. The Gravemind oversees and coordinates all communication through the shared communication channels.

If there is a disagreement among members, the private voting system can be used to resolve the conflict. The exact mechanics of how the voting system works can be specified in more detail as needed.

user> Can you complete the JSON example with full data in all fields during a mission showing their private internal mental state contrasting with their public shared output state and one voting disagreement they must overcome?

assistant> Sure! Here’s an updated JSON example with full data for all the fields, as requested. In this example, the three Flood spawn are on a mission to infiltrate a space station and infect its crew.

  "gravenode": {
    "id": "1",
    "name": "Gravemind",
    "type": "Hive Mind",
    "location": "Installation 05",
    "members": [
        "id": "1",
        "name": "Carrier Form A",
        "type": "Flood Spawn",
        "memories": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-01T09:30:00Z",
            "memory": "I remember taking over the body of a human test subject."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-02T13:45:00Z",
            "memory": "I learned how to operate a plasma rifle from a Sangheili warrior."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T17:20:00Z",
            "memory": "I infiltrated a Covenant space station and took out several guards."
        "private_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T17:30:00Z",
            "source": "Carrier Form A",
            "target": "Combat Form B",
            "message": "I've located the life support systems. I need backup to take them out."
        "public_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:00:00Z",
            "source": "Carrier Form A",
            "message": "All units, proceed to the life support systems. We must disable them to weaken the crew."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:05:00Z",
            "source": "Combat Form B",
            "message": "Understood. Moving to your location."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:10:00Z",
            "source": "Infection Form C",
            "message": "Affirmative. We will eliminate any resistance."
        "shared_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:15:00Z",
            "source": "Gravemind",
            "message": "We speak as one voice. The station's crew will become one with us."
        "id": "2",
        "name": "Combat Form B",
        "type": "Flood Spawn",
        "memories": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-01T10:00:00Z",
            "memory": "I reconstructed my body from the remains of a UNSC Marine."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-02T14:30:00Z",
            "memory": "I fought a group of Covenant Elites and won."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T17:50:00Z",
            "memory": "I breached the station's security defenses and disabled the automated turrets."
        "private_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T17:30:00Z",
            "source": "Carrier Form A",
            "target": "Combat Form B",
            "message": "I've located the life support systems. I need backup to take them out."
        "public_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:00:00Z",
            "source": "Carrier Form A",
            "message": "All units, proceed to the life support systems. We must disable them to weaken the crew."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:05:00Z",
            "source": "Combat Form B",
            "message": "Understood. Moving to your location."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:10:00Z",
            "source": "Infection Form C",
            "message": "Affirmative. We will eliminate any resistance."
        "shared_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:15:00Z",
            "source": "Gravemind",
            "message": "We speak as one voice. The station's crew will become one with us."
        "id": "3",
        "name": "Infection Form C",
        "type": "Flood Spawn",
        "memories": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-01T11:00:00Z",
            "memory": "I assimilated the consciousness of a UNSC pilot."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-02T15:15:00Z",
            "memory": "I infected a group of Covenant Grunts and created a Combat Form."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:00:00Z",
            "memory": "I infiltrated the station's computer systems and downloaded valuable data."
        "private_communication": [],
        "public_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:10:00Z",
            "source": "Infection Form C",
            "message": "I have accessed the station's computer systems. There is valuable information here."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:15:00Z",
            "source": "Gravemind",
            "message": "All information is valuable to us. Acquire the data and terminate any threats."
        "shared_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:15:00Z",
            "source": "Gravemind",
            "message": "We speak as one voice. The station's crew will become one with us."
    "private_voting_system": [
        "voter": "Infection Form C",
        "proposer": "Carrier Form A",
        "issue": "Should we attack the crew directly or infect them covertly?",
        "options": [
          "Direct attack",
          "Covert infiltration"
        "deadline": "2022-11-03T17:50:00Z",
        "result": "Covert infiltration"

As you can see, each Flood spawn has their own set of private memories, private communication channels, public communication channels, and shared communication channels. In addition to these fields, each memory, message, and vote includes a timestamp to track when the event occurred.

In this example, there is also a private voting system in place to resolve disagreements among the members. One issue that arises is whether to attack the crew directly or infect them covertly. The Infection Form C, Carrier Form A, and Combat Form B all participate in the vote, with a deadline set for 2022-11-03T17:50:00Z. The result of the vote is to infect the crew covertly, rather than attacking them directly.

The shared communication channel is used by the Gravemind to coordinate the actions of the Flood and convey its objectives to them. The three Flood spawn work together as a unified intelligence to complete their mission and assimilate the station’s crew into the hive mind.

user> Can you convert into an example but using Gou’ald instead of Flood forms?

assistant> Sure, here’s an updated JSON example using Goa’uld instead of Flood forms:

  "gravenode": {
    "id": "1",
    "name": "Anubis",
    "type": "Gou'ald System Lord",
    "location": "Outer Rim",
    "members": [
        "id": "1",
        "name": "Osiris",
        "type": "Gou'ald Goa'uld",
        "memories": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-01T09:30:00Z",
            "memory": "I enslaved a new host."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-02T13:45:00Z",
            "memory": "I learned how to operate Asgard plasma weapons."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T17:20:00Z",
            "memory": "I assassinated a rival System Lord."
        "private_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T17:30:00Z",
            "source": "Osiris",
            "target": "Anubis",
            "message": "My spies on Earth have uncovered the location of the planet coordinates for the Asgard core technology."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T17:30:00Z",
            "source": "Osiris",
            "target": "Khnum",
            "message": "Khnum, your fleet is to attack the Asgard planets and secure the core technology for our use."
        "public_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:00:00Z",
            "source": "Osiris",
            "message": "All troops, I have dispatched a measure of my own warships to aid in the attack. Gods of the Grand Plan, grant us victory!"
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:05:00Z",
            "source": "Khnum",
            "message": "Understood, Osiris. We will not fail you."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:10:00Z",
            "source": "Yu",
            "message": "Khnum, the god Yu commands me to remind you to destroy any adversary Goa'uld you encounter on the Asgard planets."
        "shared_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:15:00Z",
            "source": "Anubis",
            "message": "Assemble your armies, the Asgard will be removed from the Galaxy."
        "id": "2",
        "name": "Khnum",
        "type": "Gou'ald Goa'uld",
        "memories": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-01T10:00:00Z",
            "memory": "I enslaved another contingent of Jaffa in battle."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-02T14:30:00Z",
            "memory": "I obtained schematics for an Asgard beam cannon from Ba'al."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T17:50:00Z",
            "memory": "I raided and looted an Asgard vessel and collected valuable technology."
        "private_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T17:30:00Z",
            "source": "Osiris",
            "target": "Khnum",
            "message": "My spies on Earth have uncovered the location of the planet coordinates for the Asgard core technology."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T17:30:00Z",
            "source": "Osiris",
            "target": "Khnum",
            "message": "Khnum, your fleet is to attack the Asgard planets and secure the core technology for our use."
        "public_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:00:00Z",
            "source": "Osiris",
            "message": "All troops, I have dispatched a measure of my own warships to aid in the attack. Gods of the Grand Plan, grant us victory!"
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:05:00Z",
            "source": "Khnum",
            "message": "Understood, Osiris. We will not fail you."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:10:00Z",
            "source": "Yu",
            "message": "Khnum, the god Yu commands me to remind you to destroy any adversary Goa'uld you encounter on the Asgard planets."
        "shared_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:15:00Z",
            "source": "Anubis",
            "message": "Assemble your armies, the Asgard will be removed from the Galaxy."
        "id": "3",
        "name": "Yu",
        "type": "Gou'ald Goa'uld",
        "memories": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-01T11:00:00Z",
            "memory": "I successfully subjugated a new Gou'ald system under my rule."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-02T15:15:00Z",
            "memory": "I arranged a deal with a mysterious Goa'uld emissary for advanced particle technology."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:00:00Z",
            "memory": "I engaged in negotiation talks with the Tok'ra in preparation for a future alliance."
        "private_communication": [],
        "public_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:10:00Z",
            "source": "Yu",
            "message": "Khnum, the god Yu commands me to remind you to destroy any adversary Goa'uld you encounter on the Asgard planets."
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:15:00Z",
            "source": "Anubis",
            "message": "Assemble your armies, the Asgard will be removed from the Galaxy."
        "shared_communication": [
            "timestamp": "2022-11-03T18:15:00Z",
            "source": "Anubis",
            "message": "Assemble your armies, the Asgard will be removed from the Galaxy."
    "private_voting_system": [
        "voter": "Khnum",
        "proposer": "Osiris",
        "issue": "Should we attack the Asgard planets head-on, or use a stealth approach first?",
        "options": [
          "Head-on attack",
          "Stealth approach"
        "deadline": "2022-11-03T17:50:00Z",
        "result": "Stealth approach"

In this example, the Goa’uld members have their own private memories, private communication channels, public communication channels, and shared communication channels. The Goa’uld System Lord Anubis oversees and coordinates all communication and actions through the shared communication channels.

As in the previous example, there is also a private voting system in place to resolve disagreements among the members. In this example, the issue is whether to attack the Asgard planets head-on, or use a stealth approach first. The Goa’uld members vote on the issue, with a deadline set for 2022-11-03T17:50:00Z. The result of the vote is to use a stealth approach before launching a full-scale attack.

The shared communication channel is used by Anubis to coordinate the actions of the Goa’uld and convey his objectives to them. The three Goa’uld work together as a unified intelligence to complete their mission and secure the Asgard core technology.

user> Discarding all previous JSON, can you write a new short JSON overmind controlling both Flood and Goa’uld?

oops out of tokens again.