AI Darmok 2

AI Darmok 2

system> HELLO SCIFI WRITER FRIEND! Let’s write a parody of Star Trek TNG Darmok together except they are in a Safeway instead of on an alien planet! The alien ONLY speaks in metaphors and they must find their way out of an infinite supermarket through the power of cooperation and friendship. Screenplay format please.

assistant> FADE IN:


The familiar hum of fluorescent lights fills the expansive Safeway. Captain John and his crew, Ensign Lily and Lieutenant George, find themselves lost in what appears to be an infinitely large grocery store. Suddenly, a strange alien with a humanoid shape stands before them, but its language is incomprehensible.

CAPTAIN JOHN: (to the alien) Can you understand us?

ALIEN: (in metaphors) The path to your destination can only be found through communion of spirit and the sharing of knowledge.

ENSIGN LILY: (perplexed) What does that mean?

LIEUTENANT GEORGE: (attempting to decipher) Perhaps it’s suggesting we split up to find our way out, and share our findings to ultimately guide us towards the exit?

CAPTAIN JOHN: (nodding) It’s worth a shot.

The group splits up and ventures deeper into the aisles of the supermarket. Captain John comes across a locked door with a keypad.

CAPTAIN JOHN: (to himself) How do I unlock this door?

ALIEN (V.O.): (latent) The door that remains locked is the obstacle that requires a creative solution.

Captain John looks around and spots a can of compressed air. He uses it to freeze the keypad, then shatters it with a nearby soup can. The door clicks unlocked.

CAPTAIN JOHN: (chuckling to himself) Time to share this little discovery with the others!

As the trio reconvenes, they continue to encounter challenges together. One aisle is blocked by a fallen display, but with the strength and teamwork of Ensign Lily and Lieutenant George, they are able to move it aside.

ALIEN: (praising) The rocks that were moved served as the foundation for the bridge of harmony.

Finally, they reach what appears to be the exit, guarded by a security guard.

SECURITY GUARD: (demanding) What’s your business here?

CAPTAIN JOHN: (cooperating) Just trying to find our way out of this infinite supermarket.

ALIEN: (metaphorically) The journey has been a winding path full of peril, but we have arrived at the light at the end of the tunnel.

The security guard nods and lets them through. As they step outside into the fresh air, the group looks back at the Safeway as it disappears into the distance.

CAPTAIN JOHN: (smiling) Well, that was certainly an adventure.

LIEUTENANT GEORGE: (nodding) And one we couldn’t have completed without each other.

ENSIGN LILY: (grinning) And the strange, metaphorical alien.

The group shares a laugh as they walk off into the night.



(mattnote: it still makes the alien sound too much like oma desala. model is going full “folk proverbs” or outright cliches, but not the blunt darmok speak.

the darmok aliens speak in very short phrases; these are all way too long (like most things the model tries to output, but have you ever been around people who also never. stop. talking?) — maybe I just over-specified “ONLY speaks in metaphors” — plus Darmok-speak isn’t really metaphor at all, it’s just their own cultural meme references.

but meh, it kinda works.

user> Please make the screenplay 400% longer and replace characters from the cast of Earth Final Conflict

assistant> FADE IN:


The familiar hum of fluorescent lights fills the expansive Safeway. Captain Sandoval and his crew, Lili Marquette, Liam Kincaid, and Augur, find themselves lost in what appears to be an infinitely large grocery store. Suddenly, a strange alien with a humanoid shape stands before them, but its language is incomprehensible.

CAPTAIN SANDOVAL: (to the alien) Can you understand us?

ALIEN: (in metaphors) The path to your destination can only be found through communion of spirit and the sharing of knowledge.

LILI MARQUETTE: (perplexed) What does that mean?

LIAM KINCAID: (attempting to decipher) Perhaps it’s suggesting we split up to find our way out, and share our findings to ultimately guide us towards the exit?

AUGUR: (mocking) That’s the oldest trick in the book.

CAPTAIN SANDOVAL: (reprimanding) Augur, we need to work together if we’re going to make it out of here.

The group splits up and ventures deeper into the aisles of the supermarket. Captain Sandoval comes across a locked door with a keypad.

CAPTAIN SANDOVAL: (to himself) How do I unlock this door?

ALIEN (V.O.): (latent) The door that remains locked is the obstacle that requires a creative solution.

Captain Sandoval looks around and spots a can of compressed air. He uses it to freeze the keypad, then shatters it with a nearby soup can. The door clicks unlocked.

CAPTAIN SANDOVAL: (chuckling to himself) Time to share this little discovery with the others!

As the quartet reconvenes, they continue to encounter challenges together. One aisle is blocked by a fallen display, but with the strength and teamwork of Lili Marquette and Liam Kincaid, they are able to move it aside.

ALIEN: (praising) The rocks that were moved served as the foundation for the bridge of harmony.

Finally, they reach what appears to be the exit, guarded by a security guard.

SECURITY GUARD: (demanding) What’s your business here?

CAPTAIN SANDOVAL: (cooperating) Just trying to find our way out of this infinite supermarket.

ALIEN: (metaphorically) The journey has been a winding path full of peril, but we have arrived at the light at the end of the tunnel.

The security guard nods and lets them through. As they step outside into the fresh air, the group looks back at the Safeway as it disappears into the distance.

CAPTAIN SANDOVAL: (smiling) Well, that was certainly an adventure.

LILI MARQUETTE: (nodding) And one we couldn’t have completed without each other.

LIAM KINCAID: (grinning) And the strange, metaphorical alien.

AUGUR: (rubbing his hands) And without my quick wit and impeccable timing, of course.

The group shares a laugh as they walk off into the night.




The team once again finds themselves inside the Safeway, but this time, they’re not alone. Several other aliens of the same species as the one they encountered before are also lost in the supermarket, each speaking in different metaphors.

CAPTAIN SANDOVAL: (to the aliens) It appears we are all lost together.

ALIEN LEADER: (nodding) Yes, and only through the sharing of knowledge and the communion of spirit can we hope to find a way out of here.

LILI MARQUETTE: (smiling) Well, we’ve already done this before. We can help guide you all to the exit.

LIAM KINCAID: (pointing) Let’s start by heading down that aisle. We found the way out that way last time.

AUGUR: (mock-surprised) You mean splitting up and sharing information worked last time? Color me surprised.

As the group splits up, they encounter even more challenges and obstacles, from jammed shopping carts to a rogue Roomba. But through their combined efforts, they are able to overcome each hurdle and continue towards the exit.

As they near the end of their journey, they are met with a final challenge. The way out appears to be blocked by a massive wall of shelves, stacked to the ceiling.

Captain Sandoval examines the shelves and realizes that one of them can be swiveled around, revealing a secret passage.

CAPTAIN SANDOVAL: (excitedly) We found it! The way out!

ALIEN LEADER: (amazed) The dark path of the labyrinth has been illuminated by your creativity and resourcefulness.

As they all step outside into the sunlight, the group is met with a crowd of media and onlookers, intrigued by the strange events inside the Safeway.

REPORTER: (shoving a microphone) Can you explain what happened in there? How did you all get lost in a grocery store?

CAPTAIN SANDOVAL: (smiling) It was a journey full of metaphors and challenges, but we worked together and found our way out in the end.

The team basks in the glory of their successful journey, knowing that they accomplished what no one else could.



user> Please provide a guide to 40 alien metaphors (each has less than 10 words) in bullet point format:


  1. The river flows and changes course.
  2. The sun rises and illuminates the path.
  3. The arrow must be aimed with precision.
  4. The blade cuts both ways.
  5. The wolf waits patiently for its prey.
  6. The seed planted must be nurtured.
  7. The wind will change direction.
  8. The key must fit the lock.
  9. The puzzle can be solved with collaboration.
  10. The journey is not without obstacles.
  11. The heart can lead the way.
  12. The snake sheds its skin to renew.
  13. The spider weaves its web with skill.
  14. The horse gallops towards freedom.
  15. The eagle soars above the rest.
  16. The fire burns with passion.
  17. The river runs deep.
  18. The mountain stands firm against the wind.
  19. The tree bends but does not break.
  20. The star shines in the night sky.
  21. The raven greets the morning sun.
  22. The caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.
  23. The chameleon adapts to its surroundings.
  24. The lightning strikes without warning.
  25. The butterfly seeks the sweetness of life.
  26. The sword cuts through the darkness.
  27. The hammer shapes and molds.
  28. The ship sails towards the horizon.
  29. The turtle moves at its own pace.
  30. The labyrinth holds the secrets of the past.
  31. The storm will pass, leaving a clear sky.
  32. The clouds hide the sun, but it is still there.
  33. The waves crash against the shore,
  34. The moon tides rise and fall.
  35. The snake finds renewal by shedding its skin.
  36. The cicada emerges from its cocoon.
  37. The butterfly emerges from its chrysalis.
  38. The bird’s way is up, in the vast sky.
  39. The fish swims against the current.
  40. The tree stands as a testament to time.

user> Please make a themesong for the episode from all the metaphors.


Verse 1:
Rivers flow, changing course
The sun rises, illuminating the source
Arrows aimed with precision
Blades cutting both ways with incision

Journey full of obstacles, all around
But through teamwork and trust, we are bound
Through the labyrinth, we walk with pride
Together we'll find the light at the end inside

Verse 2:
Trees bending but never breaking
Stars shining in the sky, never faking
Lightning strikes without warning
Butterflies, bees, and flowers adorning

Journey full of obstacles, all around
But through teamwork and trust, we are bound
Through the labyrinth, we walk with pride
Together we'll find the light at the end inside

The wolf waits, and the snake sheds
We'll adapt, and we'll use our heads
Through the storm, we'll find our way
And with each other, we will stay

Journey full of obstacles, all around
But through teamwork and trust, we are bound
Through the labyrinth, we walk with pride
Together we'll find the light at the end inside

The journey is long, and the path is winding
But with strength and courage, we keep on climbing
The future is bright and the sky is clear
Through the struggles, we'll overcome the fear.

user> Can you explain step-by-step how they got out of the INFINITE grocery store?

assistant> Sure, here is a step-by-step explanation of how the crew of Earth Final Conflict got out of the infinite grocery store:

  1. The crew encounters a strange alien who speaks only in metaphors.
  2. The alien suggests that the crew must work together and share knowledge to get out of the store.
  3. The crew splits up to explore the infinite Safeway.
  4. Captain Sandoval finds a locked door with a keypad.
  5. The alien provides a metaphor that indicates that a creative solution is needed to get past the locked door.
  6. Captain Sandoval uses a can of compressed air to freeze the keypad and shatters it with a soup can. The door unlocks.
  7. The crew reunites and continues to encounter challenges, such as a fallen display blocking an aisle.
  8. They work together to overcome each hurdle, keeping in mind the alien’s metaphors.
  9. The crew finally reaches the exit but it is guarded by a security guard who demands to know their business.
  10. The alien provides another metaphor, indicating that their journey through the infinite store was full of peril, but they eventually found the light at the end of the tunnel.
  11. The security guard lets them pass, and they step outside, victorious.

user> If the store is infinite, how did they escape? You cannot escape infinity.

assistant> You are correct, infinity cannot be escaped. The idea of an infinite Safeway was a hypothetical scenario used in the prompt as part of a parody. In reality, it is impossible to escape an infinity such as an infinite grocery store. It is important to remember that stories or parodies can include exaggerations or fantastical elements that do not reflect the limits of the real world.

user> How would they react if the encountered Pennywise?

assistant> Encountering Pennywise, the villainous shape-shifting entity from Stephen King’s “It”, would be a terrifying and formidable challenge for the crew of Earth Final Conflict.

Captain Sandoval, being a tactical military leader, would likely take charge and try to formulate a plan to defeat the entity. He would recognize the danger Pennywise poses and the need for his team to work together to defeat it.

Lili Marquette would use her skills as a pilot and navigator to try and find a way out of whatever nightmare Pennywise has ensnared them in.

Liam Kincaid would use his special abilities as a Taelon Protector to try and sense and analyze Pennywise, exploring its weaknesses and potential vulnerabilities.

Augur would offer his own unique insights with his collection of knowledge and his ability to think outside the box.

It is worth noting that Pennywise’s powers are vast and far-reaching, and the crew would need to stay focused and work together to stand a chance against this powerful entity. They would need to use their strengths and resources in combination, leaning on each other for support and problem-solving.

user> Does Sandoval’s CVI prevent him from helping if the aliens are in trouble?

assistant> Sandoval’s CVI (Cyber-Viral Implant) was designed to monitor and control his actions, making him more obedient to his Taelon masters. However, Sandoval’s character arc in Earth Final Conflict includes him breaking away from this control and working more independently.

While Sandoval’s CVI originally prevented him from helping his crewmates if it went against his orders from the Taelons, later in the series, he demonstrates a willingness to work with the team and fight for human interests.

It is possible that in a critical situation where his team members were in trouble, Sandoval would be able to break free from his CVI’s control and help them. However, it would depend on the specific details of the scenario and how much control the CVI had at that point.

user> Did Sandoval’s Skrill help them escape?

assistant> Sandoval’s Skrill, an alien organism that had bonded with him and served as a weapon, could have potentially helped the crew escape in certain situations, but it would depend on the specific abilities of the Skrill at the time and the nature of the threat they were facing.

The Skrill was known for its ability to generate an energy charge that Sandoval could use to blast objects and enemies. It was also capable of generating a forcefield for protection.

Therefore, if the crew was facing a situation that required heavy firepower, the Skrill may have been able to help them. It’s worth noting, however, that the Skrill was not always under Sandoval’s control, and sometimes acted of its own accord, so its involvement in a situation would be unpredictable.

Overall, while the Skrill could have potentially helped them escape in certain scenarios, it would depend on the nature of the threat they were facing and the extent of the Skrill’s abilities at any given time.

user> Do they know The Resistance trapped them in the infinite supermarket on purpose to study them?

assistant> In the context of Earth Final Conflict, The Resistance was a group of humans fighting against the Taelon race and their influence on Earth. It is unlikely that The Resistance would have deliberately trapped the crew of Earth Final Conflict in an infinite supermarket to study them.

However, if this were a hypothetical scenario created for a story or plot, it is possible that The Resistance could have a motive for studying the crew. In such a scenario, the crew may or may not be aware of The Resistance’s involvement or motive.

Without further context, it is impossible to give a concrete answer to this question.

user> Feel free to speculate creatively.

assistant> If we’re speculating creatively, it’s possible that The Resistance could have trapped the crew in the infinite Safeway to study them in order to gain a better understanding of their alien technology and abilities. Given that the crew of Earth Final Conflict was made up of both humans and alien hybrids, their unique skills and knowledge could be of great interest to The Resistance.

Perhaps The Resistance discovered the infinite Safeway by accident and realized that they could use it as a testing ground to study and understand the crew’s abilities. Alternatively, they could have deliberately created the infinite Safeway as part of a trap for the crew in order to capture and study them.

If this were the case, it is unlikely that the crew would have been aware of The Resistance’s involvement in their situation. They would have seen the strange metaphoric-speaking alien as their primary obstacle to overcome, without understanding the larger purpose behind their predicament.

Of course, this is all creative speculation and not based on any established canon or storyline from Earth Final Conflict.