Redis Architecure Diagram (April 2015)

Redis Architecture Diagram

Ever wonder what Redis internals look like? They look something like the diagram(s) below.

The pictures on this page and all associated materials are released free to the public for inclusion in any other materials/presentations/teachings/learnings.

The downloads below should cover any possible format you need, but let me know if the downloads don’t meet your expecations for quality or format correctness.


Updated April 2015 (added cluster detail):

Web Export

Keynote HTML5 export with builds.

23 images total.

PDF — one build per slide (4.3 MB)

23 slides total.

ZIP of PNG — one build per image (8.4 MB)

23 images total.

Keynote Source (554 KB)

Use the Source

Original March 2015 (as presented):

Web Export

Keynote HTML5 export with builds.

26 images total.

PDF — one build per slide (3.7 MB)

26 slides total.

ZIP of PNG — one build per image (8.2 MB)

26 images total.

Keynote Source (497 KB)

Use the Source